Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] end " in BNC.

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1 There 's other types of music that I listen to that do make my hair stand on end and they do n't have a single guitar in them !
2 I see boys calling the girls fat and it makes my hair stand on end !
3 It was so weird it made my hair stand on end ; it was almost as if a ghost had walked into the room .
4 His language makes my hair stand on end . ’
5 The only thing that made my hair stand on end was when I would say : ‘ Dive through that window there and , as you go through it , hit it with your fists clenched together , tuck your head down in between on your elbows , get through and , as you go through , go into a roll . ’
6 Folly felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end with irrational dislike .
7 Burton has declared that it was when he was performing that scene on the stage that he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end and knew for the first time the power he could have over an audience .
8 Lightly , upwards , and the hairs on his leg stand on end .
9 I 've been hearing rumours about his methods of taming his crew … things to make your hair stand on end .
10 ‘ Tales as would make your hair stand on end ! ’
11 Some of the stories people had told me in that room would make your hair stand on end .
12 Eating your greens may not make your hair curl , but knowing what might happen to you if you do n't eat enough cabbage and other vegetables and fruit might make your hair stand on end .
13 ‘ It makes your hair stand on end , ’ the barber answers , ‘ and it 's easier to cut . ’
14 Education is rarely named by providers for fear of alienation and women are talked about in ways which make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end .
15 Well , I 've got , if you you just bear with me a moment , I still have one foot dragging in H one , but I thought we 'd got to the stage where in order to try and clarify thinking on the matter we ought to progress onto H two , erm , that just let me reveal the thinking , erm that , before I do that can I just say in terms of mechanics those of you who have just joined us for the first time , could you turn your name boards round so I can see them , thank you , and when you want to come in the normal practice is to put your name board on end , so it will attract our attention .
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