Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 Severe wind turbulence caused my canopy to go down a lot faster than normal .
2 My sister picks up a
3 My mind went back a couple of months to when Charlie 'd asked me if I 'd like to make a bit on the side .
4 It had been my intention to seek out a further interview with Mr Cardinal with minimum delay , but this proved to be impossible , owing largely to the arrival that same afternoon — some two days earlier than expected — of Mr Lewis , the American senator .
5 My dilemma points up a basic dichotomy in the educational aims of the school .
6 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
7 About four weeks ago I visited Mourneview Park to witness my team pull back a one goal deficit and win 2–1 .
8 My team put up a good workmanlike performance .
9 My confidence came back a lot towards the end of the season .
10 I set about building up an act with the aid of Rag magazines , joke-books , a gag nicked from here , a gag nicked from there and at my next engagement , four days later , I was billed as a comic and my fee went up a few quid .
11 Every pore in my body cries out a message of underlying wretchedness .
12 I start running , but my body puts up a fight .
13 When I first came to live here this room ran through to the back of the house , but my husband put up a partition , so we have a small room at the back where we can have our meals .
14 Well , my friend brought out a frisbee right ?
15 Before he died my father set up a trust to endow the Sherman Field Museum of Natural History in Washington .
16 across the road and took my cigarettes out , out my pocket to light up a cigarette and a bus came round the corner so I put it back again .
17 I knew that I was alone , and I found myself saying over my name to myself to intensify my individuality to bring about a conviction that though alone I was strong .
18 The gardens of the Manor Road houses went through to one side of Fair View Road and my cousin pointed out a Nissen Hut in one of them as the garage rented by Mr. Rogers where the fateful taxi had been kept .
19 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
20 Suppose that I am sitting by a bowl of fruit ; my hand hovers over a pear , then a peach catches my eye ; their distinctive favours revive in memory and pull against each other , then my hand moves over and picks out the peach .
21 And my ankle gave out a sound like a pistol-shot .
22 My flatmate moved out a month ago , and in that month I 've used it as an excuse to binge .
23 ‘ No lass , I 'm on my way to pick up a radiator .
24 ‘ I am on my way to take up a situation as companion and had to put up here to catch the cross stage tomorrow . ’
25 Twenty years ago , in all innocence , the occupant of my house stuck up a little fence , 15ft long , inside his own boundary .
26 Q. Can my partner take out a DOUBLE PAYMENT PLAN — and is it worth it ?
27 Tears came to my eyes and to Bruno 's , but my mother put on a brave face .
28 Beneath my bed my home-brew gave off a yeasty smell .
29 As our century draws towards its close , the lives of the men and women of distinction whose careers have spanned its course take on a special significance and interest .
30 THE schools team needed to call on all their experience to fight off a spirited challenge the youth side at Templeville Road where they won 32–7 .
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