Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It is my intention to prepare a further paper taking account of the comments received , and then to invite interested parties to meet in order to discuss the way forward .
2 ( Although it could turn into ‘ My lad played a blinder for St Noggins U13 B team yesterday ’ I suppose . )
3 For the first time ever , my pride got the better of me and I desperately looked round for some means of defending myself .
4 ‘ I know I 'm no angel , Robyn , I know my temper gets the better of me at times , but you must understand the pressure that I was under too .
5 A few minutes later , when Nelly was preoccupied , I 'm sorry to say my cowardice got the better of me and I crept out of the room , down the stairs and ran off home .
6 I feebly pushed more wood on my fire to make a brighter blaze .
7 I quickened my step to reach the quieter part of the hall , where it always seemed darker .
8 But after a bit my curiosity got the better of me and I spread my fingers slowly to peep through .
9 I heard the clock strike each successive hour , and I fear my mother fared no better , for she had promised to wake her ( in ordinary circumstances ) sleepy-headed son .
10 Having failed to make this distinction they are free to give their ministry calling a higher priority than their family .
11 Kathleen flushed and was angry with herself for it and for allowing her sister to get the better of her again .
12 If it set too high , then performance will be poor since it will be completing its workload using a higher number of smaller portions than necessary .
13 To date , the Oxfordshire scheme has at best only partially met its intention to promote a greater ( contractual ) accountability in schools .
14 Further and highly satisfactory was an agreement that , having already released 23 detainees since the end of March 1971 , the Rhodesian government would state their intention to release a further 31 detainees out of 93 as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made and that there would be a new special review of the cases of all detainees .
15 To its south lies the smaller Hatfield Moor , still quite large enough to get lost in .
16 The Trust 's share of Wellcome represents 95 per cent of its income-producing to seek a larger and more broadly based income .
17 Herein lay a grave source of weakness for the attempt of elected politicians to assert their right to take a greater share of power .
18 Traditionally , county councils have been more preservationist-minded than many of their local district councils , often because their membership showed a higher proportion of large landowners who had a keen interest in preserving the countryside , even before concern for the environment became a fashionable issue .
19 Primitive art may have confirmed them in their desire to achieve a greater directness of expression , but they remained interested in it from a visual point of view .
20 And on 2 March their confidence received a further boost with the news that the DOE had approved funding of their research programme .
21 Yet even hedonists can value short-term pain as an appropriate means to long-term pleasure , and utilitarians can accept as appropriate individual suffering if its outcome benefits a larger number .
22 The government 's approval of a £30 million road tunnel under the Devil 's Punchbowl , an important Surrey wildlife site and beauty spot , has fuelled controversy over its refusal to spend a smaller amount on a similar scheme in Oxleas Wood , London , which is scheduled for destruction by a new motorway [ see ED 68 ] .
23 Hay that has lost its colour has a lower nutritional value and is less palatable .
24 Young and Willmott 's detailed empirical study found that in poorer and older families there was still a considerable domestic division of labour but that , nonetheless , the great majority of married people in their sample formed the newer symmetrical family ( p. 94 ) :
25 ‘ I 'm sure he 'll get in touch with you as soon as he can , ’ said Melissa , trying not to allow her irritation to get the better of her .
26 Staff have been given the effective reward of being valued through a positive acknowledgement of their competence providing a greater sense of identity and improving self-esteem .
27 Pottery beneath its wall suggests a later second- or third-century date .
28 Research has found that in sums of the ‘ x+y ’ type , most children at some stage in their development identify the larger of the two numbers and then add on the smaller by counting on in steps of one ( eg 3+7=7+1 , 8+1 , 9+1 , 10 ) .
29 ‘ Open them , Donna , ’ said Julie , her impatience getting the better of her .
30 To hell with her resolution not to let her temper get the better of her .
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