Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Has my hon. Friend seen the latest survey from the Institute of Purchasing and Supply which publishes a regular report based on surveys of purchasing managers throughout British industry , studying their purchasing activities and intentions .
2 Has my hon. Friend heard the call from the many people who run village halls about the burden that VAT imposes on their activities ?
3 I then lay down , and pillowing my head on my left arm placed the rifle on the ground with my finger on the trigger .
4 My own system required the use of two program which had to be loaded independently .
5 I am an elected representative of the people of Northern Ireland , three thousand three hundred of our people have been murdered , that 's the equivalent of a hundred thousand people in Britain , it is the responsibility of every elected representative to do everything in their power , everything in their power , to stop that , The least responsibility that they have , the least they can do , is enter into dialogue directly with the people involved and I apologize to no-one for that , and if anybody is telling me that I 'm tainted because I do that , you know , I do n't know what sort of minds they 've got , because I think it 's our responsibility to do everything in our power to bring this violence to an end , and what 's more , what I 'm doing has massive support of ordinary people on both sections of our community because I have never in my twenty years experienced the nature of the support and the way that it 's being expressed to me by people in the streets , by telephone , and in particular by
6 But , I know we , we , my two women won the competition .
7 ‘ I suppose you know the Trunchbull has a lock-up cupboard in her private quarters called The Chokey ?
8 Their end-of-term hilarity matched the bright sky and light frolicking tufts of cloud .
9 In schools in the North West of England and the Lothian region of Scotland involved in the study , half the teachers did not feel their smoking habits affected the pupils they taught .
10 Their personal reconciliation marked the beginning of a remarkable rapprochement between the monarchy and the administration headed by Hun Sen , which had been installed in Phnom Penh by the Vietnamese when they expelled the Khmers Rouges in 1979 .
11 Not only had her clever plan discredited the young man whom Beth had set her heart on , but in the process had driven Richard 's daughter to her knees .
12 The sound of their sodden thwacking punctuated the dusk .
13 Her central happiness irradiated the rest of her life , from important happenings , down to her mood when she was doing trivial things .
14 On the ground their scudding shadows dappled the hills , hills that tumbled down to the ragged but level line , where the uplands ended and the deep gorge-like valleys began .
15 He watched her for several seconds before the casual motion of a hand raised to the back of her neck and run up through her long hair identified the silhouette as Judith .
16 ‘ They 'll decide if they want to accept it , ’ said Claridge , ‘ add any modifications and then come back with their own document called the Community Support Framework .
17 It is separated from the Trans-Himalayan zone and the Tibetan Plateau to the north by the structurally controlled valleys of the Indus and the Brahmaputra ( in its upper reaches called the Tsangpo ) and to the south it is bounded by the sediment-filled peripheral foreland basin of the Indo-Gangetic plain .
18 Held , dismissing the appeal , that on its true construction section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 did not confer on a minor who had attained the age of 16 an absolute right to determine whether or not he received medical treatment but enabled him , for the limited purpose of protecting his medical practitioner from prosecution or from any claim in trespass , to give consent to such treatment as effectively as if he were an adult ; that , although a minor of any age who had sufficient maturity might consent to treatment , his refusal to give consent could not overrule consent given by the court ; that in exercising its inherent jurisdiction the court would take particular account of the minor 's wishes , the importance of which increased with his age and maturity , but would override them where his best interests so required ; and that , having regard to the nature of W. 's illness and to the serious deterioration in her condition , her best interests required the court to direct her immediate transfer to and treatment at the new unit without her consent ( post , pp. 765G — 766A , H — 767C , 768F–G , 769G–H , 770B–D , 772A–C , D–E , 774C–D , 775H — 776A , E–F , 777F–G , 779A , 780B–E , G–H , 781B–E , H — 782A ) .
19 Whereas the West German government maintained that East Germans should have automatic access to the Schengen agreement area , its four partners regarded the territory covered by the agreement as extending only to the eastern boundary of the Federal Republic .
20 While we 're at it , and since the Teesdale village of Woodland was in the news on Monday , why is the most prominent of its two pubs called The Edge ?
21 The Cistercian monks with their lay brothers administered the abbey wool trade .
22 But , on the face of it , the perfect little couplets about twigs and foxes that he wrung out of his gargantuan walks justified the form of their lives as fully in her eyes as in his .
23 That was what gave him his undoubted power in politics , and his loose organisation called the " Left is Right Group " — kept carefully informal so that it could not be proscribed by any of the major parties — commanded the allegiance of a handful of M.P .
24 In his first book entitled The Art of Aromatherapy , he discusses the history and the therapeutic properties and applications of a number of essences .
25 My God , he thought , Edwina Currie a whip , and his own secretary given the once over by ‘ Worthy ’ Evans .
26 The problem was that the premises of his own theory required the answer to this question to remain always in abeyance , while his text enacts rather than resolves the equivocality of the choice which it sets up .
27 After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state , maintained full employment , and conciliated the trade unions .
28 March 7th was one of the most momentous days in British sport during the last 50 years and , when our English team achieved the first back-to-back Grand Slam in almost 70 years , we are snatched away to watch highlights of Scotland v France .
29 Our supply-side policies achieved the growth of the 1980s .
30 How has your new location affected the gallery ?
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