Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] be [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 My understanding is what the budget sub-committee , well what the Social Services er , committee were saying , was there are a number of grants which in their view are not peculiar or specific to Social Services but are of a corporate nature .
2 These authors also found evidence for hot gas and dark matter extending beyond the visible galaxies , and their work was itself the subject of a News and Views article .
3 They share the conventional wisdom of the nuclear lobby that what has stopped America 's nuclear industry in its tracks is what the NES calls an ‘ impossibly cumbersome nuclear licensing process ’ — of a kind that pro-nuclear countries like France do not allow .
4 I did n't understand her questions was it the figures had come from the private sector I 'm not sure if she understood it herself either erm we 've talked in the social services planning cuts committee about a list of homes for refurbishment and Mr wanted a very long list er a list which would blight every home not on the list .
5 It is sometimes argued that direct persuasion applied by A to B not to perform his contract is itself the procurement of breach by unlawful means , but the argument is circular and it seems better simply to say that in this form of the tort no use of unlawful means is required .
6 The low timbre of his voice was none the less frightening for all its softness .
7 The Mayor and his friends were themselves the criminals , hand in glove with the smugglers whose leader Jake was clearly an old ally .
8 His list was none the less wide-ranging enough to include some handsome illustrated books , as well as the first regular publications of both Alfred , Lord Tennyson [ q.v . ]
9 The most obvious is that he felt it himself : to him his fictions were what the Silmarils were to Fëanor or their ships to the Teleri , ‘ the work of our hearts , whose like we shall not make again' .
10 Now I tell them why if you 're gon na tell somebody why why your opinion is something the word because is bound to come into the sentence soon .
11 Are these workmen outside of your house are they the ones with the er with the trousers hanging half way down their bum ?
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