Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] during the first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He smelt the cigarette smoke and I was fired , typical of my luck during the first 30 years of my life , ’ recalls Caine , 59 .
2 South Korean electronics companies have revised upwards their export targets for this year , encouraged by a surge in their shipments during the first quarter of this year : Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said it had raised its export target to $6,200m from its original target of $5,800m , and from $4,700m last year ; Goldstar Co Ltd said it would be able to export $3,400m this year , up from its previous target of $3,200m and the $2,570m last year ; Daewoo Electronics Co Ltd says it sees a smaller increase .
3 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
4 Standing in front of the hall is a war memorial , which records the names of 13 men who served and/or lost their lives during the First World War .
5 Many mothers do not even try to toilet train their children until the age of 2 years or later while others deliberately train their child during the first year of life ( Douglas and Richman 1984 ) .
6 Steel benefited from major government loans , accounting for half its borrowing during the first five-year plan .
7 It will trace the roots of nationalist sentiments from their beginnings during the First World War , through to the election of the first national government in the history of the islands , the Peoples Nationalist Movement , in 1956 .
8 ( 26 January 1770 ) Their schedule during the first visit was a punishing one : they visited Rovereto , Verona , Mantua , Cremona , Milan , Lodi , Bologna , Rome , Florence and Naples in the space of six months .
9 Taking into account Syria 's losses in military service and imprisonment under ill-treatment , the country may have lost half a million of its people during the First World War out of a population of well under four million .
10 Helen , however , was still imprisoned in the fears and longings that had marked her life during the first years of puberty and was obsessed with the idea that she would never marry and have children .
11 One study of Scottish babies showed that 90 per cent of mothers started to train their babies during the first year with half of the middle class and a quarter of the working class starting before 6 months of age ( Drillien 1964 ) .
12 The commission carried out its enquiries during the first half of 1932 and presented its report in October .
13 Aristocratic influences were at their height during the first half of the nineteenth century and in any diplomatic service were always most marked at the highest levels .
14 Fear had been at its pitch during the first few hours and days .
15 We at the Bastille have been particularly blessed by his presence during the first concert of our season , in which his active participation and guidance were of invaluable help , especially for the recording of the Turangalîla-symphonie .
16 Baldwin told his Chancellor during the first weekend of October , and then proceeded to consult in ones or twos with other members of the Cabinet , the traditional free traders — Salisbury , Derby , Devonshire and Novar — as well as the natural protectionists — Amery and Hoare .
17 She had not exactly been reading Tennyson but had remembered John quoting one of his poems during the first days of their acquaintance .
18 It is not known whether or not he ever returned to visit his mother during the first few years but it is certainly true that , latterly , he was not back in the county for many years .
19 A triumph of the 1991 Avignon Festival the company , Ches Panses Vertes from Picardy , create vivid with sombre imagery of the battlefield with a structure of sand and barbed wire … a mystical garden in which two men re-enact with tiny wire figures some of the experiences of Cendrars and his experiences of Cendrars and his companions during the first year of the 1914–18 war .
20 If you are , or are close to being , a higher-rate tax payer , and you discontinue your policy during the first 7–1/2 years , you may have to pay tax on the amount by which the surrender value exceeds the sum of the premiums paid .
21 If you are , or are close to being , a higher-rate tax payer , and you discontinue your policy during the first 7–1/2 years , you may have to pay tax on the amount by which the surrender value exceeds the sum of the premiums paid .
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