Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] ' [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
2 ‘ What I Would n't Give ’ , besides being utterly forgettable , contained the interesting line , ‘ There 's my Smiths ' tapes you never wanted to hear/ Throw them away/Morrissey in the bin . ’
3 It meant that my mother 's workload greatly increased , but with my uncles ' help we struggled on .
4 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
5 That comment under-estimates the growing interest which shareholders are beginning to take in the wider responsibilities of the companies they invest in ( eg , support for arts , education , health , environment or indeed anything which contributes to an increase in the quality of life ) , and its cynicism can only alienate the executives whose involvement in their companies ' patronage we so badly need to encourage and applaud .
6 However , being unwilling to contradict her parents ' wishes she took three science A-levels rather than the arts subjects she preferred .
7 Once a Bill has passed its Commons ' stage it goes up to the House of Lords where the same process is repeated , except that the Committee stage is taken on the floor of the House .
8 If it can retain its customers ' faith it could achieve the leadership position it covets by 1997 .
9 In their friends ' eyes it would have been unreasonably proprietorial of him not to have released her with a minimum of fuss .
10 As long as you live in your parents ' home you are a child , their child , and they will treat you as such .
11 By really understanding our Buyers ' needs we cut out time wasting and abortive visits and ensure you pay no more than the correct price in this mixed market .
12 We go on being as good , or better so that in our customers ' eyes we are always their Company of the Year — every year .
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