Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 My sister can not be trusted with any but the simplest of tasks . ’
2 So the question , whether or not there 's there is a clear expression to my , to my mind can not be answered .
3 If I was not similarly open , it is merely because my embarrassments can only be laid at the door of my own folly , and not to the workings of chance . ’
4 As I think on this my anger at his death is less , though my grief can not be .
5 The arguments in support of my belief can not be detailed here but the point of departure in common with Lord Simon in Morgan is that the distinction between crimes of basic and crimes of specific intent can only be appreciated against the backdrop of the probative-evidential dialogue which characterizes the criminal trial .
6 There are , of course , certain charlatans who do receive his grace and favour but , unlike that snake-in-the-grass Pybus , who is always eager to lick Singh 's cigar , or smoke his boots , my loyalty can not be bought .
7 My life can not be called my own . ’
8 My life can only be a question of a few weeks .
9 There is no way that the content of my thought can both be something that the subject really thinks , apprehends or is conscious of , and yet fall outside the scope of an analysis of the act of thinking .
10 The media make their fortune highlighting our problems and exploiting our pain with their telephoto lenses , but the images I have captured with my spirit can neither be bought or sold , for they are priceless and money can not cure what other people 's faith and greed for money has caused .
11 My thesis can best be summarised as follows :
12 And fifth , are there enough non-executive directors that their views can not be ignored ?
13 Paddy End Vein was the first to be cut in these levels and its course can easily be seen in the cliff or scar to the west of Levers Water where ancient mining has left a conspicuous cleft known as Simon 's Nick .
14 However safe the processes of childbirth become , an aim that we would all agree upon , I think , its course can never be determined with absolute certainty .
15 Individual saints may testify to God 's supernatural provision , but their experience can not be universalised .
16 Mystics are aware that their experience can never be explained in rational terms and insist that it is unhelpful and can even be dangerous to attempt to define the ultimate reality in terms of reason and logic .
17 Sligo deserves them all and more , as for friendliness and conversation its sons can not be beaten .
18 The actors in this moment of high drama at German headquarters in Luxembourg are all long since dead and much of their discussions can not be verified .
19 As with many other sulphur-nitrogen compounds these salts are brightly coloured and their reactions can often be monitored by inspection .
20 perhaps the Truth of History can not be proved ; its direction can not be discerned .
21 Yet , as Choate 's account also shows , even wise men and their money can easily be parted by sharp consultants , who can pass through the green baize door knowing that their clients can not peep through the keyhole .
22 Where ancillaries can not be afforded , their skills can often be found less conveniently amongst teaching staffs themselves , or else acquired ; and it was noted by many schools visited during the Resource Centre Project that a surprising potential sometimes existed in voluntary form in the community .
23 Thus it is prior to the system of government , not part of it , and its rules can not be derived from that system .
24 If they find that their plans can not be carried out , this teaches them that their anticipations concerning the decisions of others were overly optimistic .
25 It has a very pleasant , extremely distinctive aroma which experienced vignerons in the Aube claim can be detected in a cuvée , despite the fact that its presence can only be , at the very most , a few percent of the overall blend .
26 The device itself is very complex , and its complexity can not be explained only by invoking communicative function ( see Newmeyer 1983 ) .
27 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
28 None of this means , however , that their existence can simply be disregarded .
29 On democratic grounds their existence can not be justified .
30 For Pateman , participatory democracy hinges on the premise that individuals and their institutions can not be placed apart .
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