Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] for [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I was taken from the cellar in Beirut and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin for the first time in a thousand days .
2 Dacourt looked at me under lowered brows as if recognising my existence for the first time .
3 In the case of other human beings I have the evidence of my senses for the first and last links of the series , but not for the intermediate link .
4 It 'd be easier if we met my troops for the first time at the concert , ’ he said .
5 ‘ Before the fight they were chanting my name for the first time and I could see the effect it had on Ruddock , his head was going down while my chest was swelling with pride .
6 I washed my billycans for the first time since Reggane , and cleaned the kit and groundsheet with disinfectant .
7 It was on that occasion — in the strangely bare study of Darlington Hall — that Mr Farraday shook my hand for the first time , but by then we were hardly strangers to each other ; quite aside from the matter of the staff , my new employer in several other instances had had occasion to call upon such qualities as it may be my good fortune to possess and found them to be , I would venture , dependable .
8 I reckon I 'd hardly surface from my bunker for the first few days . ’
9 That 's how I got interested in the sport : I read about the first black champion , Jack Johnson and it created my interest for the first time .
10 My target for the first 6 games was 10 points .
11 Some similar process in Ursula presumably explained her willingness for the first time to discuss arrangements for the funeral , which they agreed should be held as soon as possible .
12 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
13 Sheldukher stared down at her suddenly , as if registering her presence for the first time .
14 Belinda Jones , ’ the owner of the name said simply , and waited while Dr Russell 's sister seemed to fully take in her presence for the first time .
15 UN nuclear weapons expert Maurizio Zeffirero declared on Dec. 8 , following an inspection visit to Iraq , that the government had expressed its willingness for the first time to open discussions regarding foreign suppliers of its nuclear weapons programme .
16 After the punchline had been delivered and the ensuing laughter had died away , the blonde swayed away from the bar and looked in their direction for the first time .
17 She had lain in her child 's bed and become aware of the reality of her heart for the first time as its beat quickened in response to the sparrow 's wild meanderings .
18 FREED prisoner Karl Maxwell-Smith flew home to Britain from Thailand yesterday — and met his granddaughter and her mum for the first time .
19 The hotel has targeted its occupancy for the first year at 55 per cent , which , Mr Nitschke says , is realistic .
20 Here , within three minutes , Mark Bailey had rounded their defence for the first of his side 's dozen tries .
21 In every production there comes an awkward jerky stage when the cast abandon their books for the first time , but for The Hooded Owl it seemed to be going on longer than usual .
22 The Gulamalis received their rent for the first three months , then nothing for four months , and were told the computer was broken , the accounts were being moved , the cheque was in the post , and so on .
23 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
24 Seeing his eyes move away from her mouth for the first time since the whole affair had begun , she shook her shoulders so that her full , rounded gourds trembled like jelly .
25 Intergraph Corp , Huntsville , Alabama warns that while it has not yet closed its books for the first quarter , preliminary estimates indicate that turnover will be lower than expected at between $280m and $285m , and that all geographic segments were below expectations for the quarter , and price reductions on older products combined with lower sales volume resulted in reduced gross margins ; the company expects a loss from operations excluding restructuring charges of $8m to $10m or $0.11 to $0.13 per share and restructuring charges and non-operating items during the quarter will increase the losses by an additional three cents a share .
26 The only thing these artists have in common is their gallery of origin the Bachelier-Cardonsky of Kent , Connecticut , USA which has sent their work for the first time ever to Paris where it can be seen at Gianna Sistu for a month .
27 Mrs Beveridge cared for Leanne 's two children in her home for the first 24 hours of the siege .
28 The welcome 's over … the introductions have been made … today it 's been down to work for Oxford United 's new manager Denis Smith and his assistant Malcolm Crosby … their plan for the first game
29 The completed cycle was screened in its entirety for the first time at the Venice Festival this autumn .
30 The music ranges from the familiar to the unknown — from an early opera played in its entirety for the first time to a unique performance of The Messiah where you can actually join in the singing .
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