Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] was [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I did eventually look in the mirror my hair was in patches , like little bits of baby hair .
2 My driver was in conversation with Sir Victor Sassoon 's driver , who informed him that his employer had considerable confidence in his horse .
3 My chest was on fire .
4 I wanted my mum or Ian , but my mum was at home and Ian had been told to go into the waiting room .
5 My Sister was at Sandy , but up to her eyes in her work with the Maquis .
6 OVER a weekend in which John Major said ‘ society needs to condemn a little more and understand a little less ’ , and Kenneth Clarke let fly against social workers ‘ mouthing political rhetoric about why children in their care are so delinquent ’ , the message which will stick in my mind was from Anfield , saying simply ‘ Rest in Peace James ’ .
7 My mind was in turmoil .
8 My mind was in Small Ward Two .
9 One night , a Wednesday , I was told that I was leaving Holloway the next day to go up to Risley remand centre because my judge was at Sheffield .
10 I was the closest to being happy that I can remember ; my escape was in sight .
11 ‘ Most of my work was in Denmark and Sweden , then when I came back to England , Twiggy 's skinny figure was in vogue and mine did n't match up ! ’ she says .
12 My plan was for Rick to open the mouth while I would use the forceps to retrieve the hook , this seeming to be the most sensible approach ( from my point of view anyway ) .
13 She added : ‘ I did n't see anything , just heard a loud noise , and suddenly my home was on fire .
14 My home was in Galway . ’
15 My home was in England . ’
16 My question was to Mr was designed to throw light on that point .
17 Erm my reference was in part to the Secretary of State 's notice of approval of the last alteration of the structure plan , where he said he accepted that some of the provision York provision would have to made outside the ci city boundaries .
18 My great-grandmother was from Paris . ’
19 My desire was for punishment , not revenge , and was directed at the officers who gave the orders — perhaps because of the interviews . ’
20 One of my constituents was in touch with my colleague , the European Member of Parliament , Ken Collins , who chairs the European Parliament 's Committee on the Environment , Public Health and Consumer Protection , to seek his advice on what the European Commissioner had done and the reasons behind his action .
21 My back was in agony from the walking .
22 While feeding the meter I had a sudden blank on whether my meter was in front or behind my car .
23 My wife was on morphia for four months .
24 My wife was in Devon at her father 's .
25 What makes you think my wife was in bed ?
26 My appointment was in Alès at eleven and I wanted to give myself plenty of time to find the place , so I decided to leave straight away .
27 In 1902 , when my father was at Thame , only 9 per cent of his contemporaries were receiving full-time education of any kind .
28 In 1902 , when my father was at Thame , Balfour 's Education Act transferred these board schools to the county councils ( with some exceptions ) and to the county boroughs .
29 No , my , my aunt was in York , we used to see her once a year , Christmas , she used to come
30 Another radiologist confirmed that my kidney was in trouble .
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