Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [conj] the first " in BNC.

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1 It 's always been my philosophy that the first bait out is the one most likely to produce a run and I will try to get a drifting float out in almost any conditions ( except flat calms ) using balloons to assist the float 's passage through calm water and into the wind lanes .
2 This is the truth my lad and the first I made for was for the that , just off Canada , is is New Foundland ?
3 I remembered my astonishment when the first doctor I saw at the Centre read my notes and wrote down a mixture of Centaury , Gorse , Star of Bethlehem and Beech .
4 I was at the station with my father when the first trainload of children arrived .
5 It was one of the most marvellous events of my life and the first time that any of my work had ever been put on public show .
6 I feel the wind on my face and the first drops of a summer rain shower falling on my hair .
7 Fortunately , in addition to Helen Thomas 's absorbing , unselfconscious account of their courtship and the first years of their marriage , letters still survive which chart the growth of love .
8 It was a turning point in their lives and the first contact they had ever had with such youngsters .
9 In fact , the Chope family were apt to come late , taking their seats after the first hymn had finished .
10 Its sound provided the first syllable of Poirot 's name ‘ poir ’ , and for the second one need look no further than the French word ‘ perdreau ’ , meaning ‘ a young partridge ’ .
11 ‘ Ely , ’ I said ( that was her name and the first time I 'd ever used it ) , ‘ I want to be free . ’
12 It will not be possible to say whether validation has been effective in ensuring that the Council 's courses are truly fulfilling their aims until the first graduates start entering industry but we have already started to review the operation of the validation process .
13 She had reached that stage in her enterprise when the first fine careless rapture had evaporated and as yet no real follow.through success had appeared to give her a further boost and a second wind .
14 Rangers have five wins and two draws from their games since the first round of the European Cup in September and respond to the fact that opposing teams are keener to attack them in that competition than they are in the Premier Division .
15 She knew that if he wanted to he could have killed her ; without apparent effort he held off her attack once the first shock had past .
16 ‘ They knew they had a hell of a battle on their hands and the first thing I stressed was that we had to fight to win the ball — and we did , ’ he said .
17 Equally personal is Janet Smith 's The World Outside My Window , the first piece she has made since disbanding her company and the first in a long time that she has made to please herself .
18 ‘ Not this time , sweet , ’ he said raggedly , moving over her , slowly letting her feel some of his weight and the first seeking touch of his body .
19 On the other side of the coin you might find a child who is experiencing such difficulties in his learning that the first line of attack must be in , in terms of perhaps producing just an improvement of his base level of learning , so that the next step can be taken .
20 Olazabal ( pictured ) will spend December in Northern Spain hunting with his father and the first month of the New Year with the rest of his family .
21 ‘ It 's a good thing we got that roof seen to , ’ he said , then put out his palm as the first large drops of rain began to fall .
22 For the time being , however , he did not discard his academic first-class honours and it remains one of the oddities of his life that the first published work of the future Nazi propagandist was a scholarly contribution to the Revue of English Studies in 1928 : ‘ A Note on the Mid Back Slack Unrounded Vowel [ a ] in the English of Today . ’
23 This is not simply to enable the vet to work in comfort , or even to reduce his rage when the first words are ‘ I will just go and try to get a rope on her ! ’
24 Nothing came of his enquiries and the first ten days of October passed uneventfully with his praise of Helen 's ‘ lovely portion of that maidenliness which you shall never lose ’ .
25 Perhaps you 're just playing your cards close to your chest and the first we 'll know about it is your engagement .
26 Strikes are our abhorrence and the first principle laid down is that the owner 's property is the first care of the member of the society to see to' .
27 December 13 , 1956 : Dear Bunny , There are some delightful , first-rate pieces in your book , such as the one about your father and the first of the two about the Jews , but I am as always distressed by your conception of Russian history , which is all wrong , being based on the stale Bolshevist propaganda which you imbibed in your youth .
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