Example sentences of "[vb mod] well [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It might well view a particular action as " clearly disreputable " .
2 If an index were based on BSG Fine Art 's retail sales , it might well show a steady rise .
3 Looked as though she might well make a good Vicar 's wife . ’
4 This will be a more flexible list because prices tend to creep upwards ( except when you want to sell anything ) and your tastes and finances might well change a little or a lot along the way
5 From such a general classification , discussed in detail below , two very general conclusions can be shown to emerge : that several categories of small towns saw the provision of some form of internal street network to meet the needs of their inhabitants and that the existence of such a system , coupled with other morphological and functional indicators , might well reflect a higher degree of internal organization and urban complexity .
6 Bollinger own just such a patch of phylloxera-free vines in Aÿ ; whereas its high walls might well repel a small army , it remains a mystery why the little bug has not simply walked in under the gate .
7 It is a work which might well shed a tender light on the novella ‘ Goodbye , Columbus ’ .
8 In time a system with the market 's penalties as well as freedoms might well breed a different managerial prototype .
9 Watch the birds as they fly above your heads and , who knows , you might well spy a tiny creature riding high on the back of a swallow or a raven .
10 In respect of the US dollar this might well require a general depreciation as well as much greater depreciation against the Deutschmark and the yen .
11 A mixture of consultation and internal management control might well prove a better starting point .
12 Even so , a course of Edwardian dinners might well prove a sore trial to-day .
13 ACAS has a network of regional offices which might well prove a valuable source of information .
14 As noted above , the Rome Treaty did not explicitly incorporate any regional dimension , but it did recognise that EC policies might well have a differential spatial impact .
15 The villain , if there is a villain , might well have a numbered account in outer Mongolia .
16 Patients referred from family practitioners are likely to be younger and might well have a different incidence of disease causing anaemia .
17 He also pointed out that the Nile , if it flooded , might well drown a greater number of people than all the refugees .
18 They may genuinely believe what they are saying , but actual observation of what they do might well produce a different picture .
19 This kind of comment might well follow a Chinese meal consisting largely of white processed rice .
20 might well enjoy a good rubdown and a massage .
21 Six months ago six major E C Health and Safety Directives came into effect covering workplace safety , machinery , protective equipment , manual handling , work with computers and word processors , they 've built on a framework directive giving workers new rights to consultation and the right to stop the job and the union has been watching the government and the H S E and me as well , in their attempts to water down the requirements of these directives and we might well lodge a formal complaint with Brussels that could land the Tories in Europe 's Court of Justice .
22 I sometimes think that artists could well exhibit a few sketches along with the actual picture .
23 After surveying the jungle of cane , raffia and cardboard which rioted gloriously together , and which could well offer a dozen comfortable homes to abundant mice families , Miss Fogerty firmly shut the door and relocked it .
24 This could well form a separate main activity , since it encompasses goal-directed research ( preparation of lectures , tours and exhibitions ; enquiry answering ) , research involved with the supervision and teaching of information management , bibliography and research methodology to our own students , M.Sc.
25 Chief Auctioneer , Michael Welch , suggests that silver , brass or other trinkets could well fetch a tidy sum .
26 I was I was looking at the syllabus last night and I was working out how much we 've got to do yet and where we are an and I really do feel confident that no matter where you are in your course work situation , that if w if we planned the thing right and we sort it out between now and the summer , tha that we could well get a good few Grade A's in here and obviously work it well .
27 One could well imagine a worthless volume masquerading under such a title .
28 In the past the French have defied logic and answered their critics , but a second defeat by Dwyer 's emerging Wallabies could well summon a black-hooded anonymous henchman .
29 At the time of writing the signs are that West Germany could well adopt a national energy plan involving considerable cutbacks in the loss-making and heavily subsidised coal industry .
30 Rhodes could well become a double international as he is in the South African national hockey squad , but so far the hockey union has n't followed cricket down the integration path and cricket at the moment takes first place on his agenda .
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