Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Should have made it with that .
2 Now we do n't have any new things , I should have Thank you for asking the question because we 're trying to give the impression of a medieval house the what 's special about this is that it 's a medieval house as it looked when it was new .
3 Perhaps the most audacious thing about this exhibition is that the British Museum should have countenanced it at all .
4 It could and should have led him to great opportunities .
5 The fact of it was , Amanda should never have brought him in here at all ; she should have kept him in Reception , as per company policy .
6 We should have kept it on hold .
7 And I should have kept it to myself .
8 He should have referred it to Management and Personnel over in Great George Street and let the Security Division sort it out .
9 ‘ I believe rather than suppressing cruelty it can actually encourage it and the people who made the claims should have substantiated them by giving names . ’
10 They are entitled to these benefits , they should have received them in the past , and they should have received them by law .
11 They are entitled to these benefits , they should have received them in the past , and they should have received them by law .
12 ‘ Someone should have shut you in a hospital for the criminally insane and thrown away the key . ’
13 That John should have kissed her like that — in the way she had quite often seen boys kiss girls on their way home- and that she should not have minded , apart from the slight awkwardness of the people surging around them , would have seemed incredible to her a few months ago .
14 That 's not too bad actually except the day the young men loaded it back onto the trailer when we 'd finished and it was one of these corners , and I happened to be muggins on the corner where that lever was , and he had n't tied it , it was only in the ratchet , you know , he should have tied it of course .
15 But that one should have believed something in a hypothetical situation may and often is used as part of an argument to establish what one should now believe .
16 ‘ You should have said something before this .
17 ‘ Anna should have said nothing at all .
18 Before I go to sleep I wonder about whether I should have said anything to him about Mr Archer and his phone calls and Ares .
19 The immediate sight of him , which should have filled them with relief and joy , brought only terror .
20 You should have summoned me at once . ’
21 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
22 ‘ I should have guessed something like this would happen . ’
23 ‘ I should have heeded it as a warning , though , querida , ’ he rasped throatily .
24 ‘ There are failsafes which should have stopped it from doing this ! ’
25 Over the two matches we were every bit as good as Liverpool and , if we 're honest , we know we should have beaten them on both occasions .
26 We should have beaten them at their place as well .
27 If , on the other hand , God should have ordained for me thus , miserable and wretched as I am , and should have called me by His grace to sit solitary and serve him in that manner , as he deigns to grant to me , shall I not persevere in that calling ?
28 Furthermore , since I disagree with the view of the Divisional Court on this point in Ex parte Handscomb , but the Home Secretary was obliged for the time being to follow it , there is little logic in saying that he should have extended it to mandatory cases .
29 Charity should have recognised it as the calm before the storm , but she did n't .
30 That should have alerted me to the fact that Dr Tom Courtney was not as he seemed .
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