Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [vb infin] [pers pn] without " in BNC.

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1 They should not export them without first getting permission from the importer and making sure that the receiving country can dispose of them properly .
2 Well Willy you 'll not get it without er working hard at school , that 's where it all starts .
3 For if the princes were to take seriously the one task the church now allowed them , they could not achieve it without also enlarging their criminal jurisdiction .
4 One reason why the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem was so important for Wittgenstein was because he could not dissolve it without revising the view he had taken on this point when he wrote the Tractatus .
5 Before Jos could knock at the door , it was opened by a tiny old woman bent at such an angle that she could not see them without straightening up , her head cocked to one enquiring side .
6 Brook ruled this out : ‘ I do not , however , favour this suggestion — we could not adopt it without undertaking a review of the Cabinet Committee organisation and that always takes a substantial time , as so many Ministers and others have to be consulted .
7 In my own case I know that the first link produces the last through the intermediate link , and could not produce it without .
8 An enemy could not approach him without being under his fire for the distance of more than a half-mile . ’
9 The English could use these at will , and looked to do so later ; the Scots could not approach them without coming into close range of archery they had learned to respect .
10 She had aged in four years , lost whatever attraction she had ever had , and it made her miserable to realise this son would not remember her without grey hair .
11 ‘ I am not playing , ’ she informed him fiercely , ‘ and I shall not leave you without due notice , however inconvenient . ’
12 Lower courts will be bound by that precedent , while superior courts or those of the same rank will not upset it without reasoned consideration .
13 They can not achieve it without aid on a much greater scale than is contemplated at the moment by anyone except the Germans .
14 ‘ We must say to the public , ‘ you can not leave us without moral guidance on this .
15 ‘ You burn your mouth — you know you can not manage it without burning your mouth . ’
16 If Sartre 's endeavour to ground the Marxist science of history suggests that the Hegelian totality and continuum can only work by a continual labour of excluding the partial and discontinuous , Althusser 's effort to constitute a differentiated history shows that you can not do it without a teleology .
17 ‘ I can not do it without you , ’ said Grainne .
18 Nevertheless , whether the parties want compromise or a contest , their legal advisers can not satisfy them without a thorough knowledge of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ( " UCTA " ) , and of the underlying principles contained in the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ( " SGA " ) , and the Supply of Goods And Services Act 1982 ( " SGSA " ) .
19 They can not exercise it without regard for the wishes of the German people , but neither can the German people act as if the ‘ German question ’ concerned nobody but themselves .
20 I see the error — yet I can not correct it without overthrowing all ‘ rules and regulations ’ , which I can not persuade myself to do , even in a work of fiction .
21 The APB can not ignore such strong criticisms , but it can not accept them without badly damaging its credibility .
22 I can not fight it without weapons .
23 I can not fight it without weapons …
24 Each side of the politician-media professional partnership is striving to realize certain goals vis-à-vis the audience : yet it can not pursue them without securing in some form the co-operation of the other side .
25 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
26 They budgeted for a pay award in line with inflation and while welcoming the ‘ well deserved ’ rise in teachers ' salaries say they can not fund it without cutting school budgets .
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