Example sentences of "[vb mod] be against the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This must be against the interests of the UK economy , and of EC consumers .
2 I waited till we heard him on the stairs , then told them how I had offered to drive this run , but now that I was a passenger it would be against the rules .
3 That would be against the interests of our industry .
4 My hon. Friend is right to pinpoint the fact that it would be against the interests of British Airways and Rolls-Royce for politicians to second-guess the commercial decision making of private companies .
5 ‘ The district council , however , is of the view that taking this case to court could lead to more damage to the area through adverse publicity and this would be against the interests of local people .
6 The position is now somewhat alleviated by the case of Rowlands ( Mark ) Ltd v Berni Inns Ltd [ 1985 ] QB 211 where it was held that the intention of the parties to the lease was that the landlord 's claim would be against the insurers under the insurance policy and that the landlord would not have a claim against the tenant for breach of covenant , to the effect that there was no claim to which the insurers could be subrogated .
7 He then went on to consider whether the further proceedings would be against the children 's interests under four heads : ( 1 ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation ; ( 2 ) the fact that , under section 91(1) , if in respect of any child a residence order were made in favour of the foster mother , the existing care order to the local authority would be discharged ; ( 3 ) the shared parental responsibility between the foster mother and the mother which would result from section 12(2) conferring parental responsibility upon the foster mother if a residence order were to be made in her favour ; ( 4 ) the time that would be likely to elapse before any substantive order could be made .
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