Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 While I am pleased to report that this particular source has not been replaced with high-quality material , suppliers of this and other ‘ green ’ materials should be warned that I am quite prepared to give them the widest publicity they 've ever had if they try fobbing gardeners off with sub-standard goods .
2 It should be noted that we do not require immediate notification of any claim but in fact of any event which could give rise to a claim under the policy .
3 It should be noted that I am concentrating here on ‘ further treatment ’ and therefore assume a pre-existing relationship between the doctor and the patient .
4 It should be noted that it is not always the lower limits of the specification that are involved ; ingredients that undergo decomposition do obviously fall but other parameters , such as total solids content , rise as the product ages , if the container is permeable to water vapour .
5 It should be noted that it is often difficult to compare different recognition systems as they are reported because differences in input data and equipment can affect performance .
6 For CASE 1 above it should be noted that it is only necessary to specify the Headword(s) when requesting proofing but you can be more specific if needed .
7 It should be noted that it follows from this that an action in respect of a public law wrong can be a private action for present purposes if it is against a non-governmental body .
8 It should be noted that it is only the sale , and not the supply , of alcoholic liquor outside permitted hours which is authorised by this provision .
9 It should be noted that it was unprecedented in the borough for self-appraisal reports to be considered by governors .
10 Prior to consideration of each individual Short Course , it should be noted that it is not intended to give a developed version at this point .
11 Meanwhile , it should be noted that you do n't need a network to use Unix .
12 You may recall that Bachop was outstanding during the World Cup , but it should be noted that he was playing for Western Samoa , not New Zealand .
13 It should be noted that he remarks that ‘ people ’ do not want to see a black face , not that he personally objects to such a sight .
14 Galbraith 's views have been widely criticised , most frequently on grounds of exaggeration , though it should be noted that he does not suggest that the revised sequence has replaced the accepted sequence , but that there is a complex inter-action between the two .
15 It should be emphasized that they were not serious attempts to take her life but cries for help .
16 We use the dynamic competitive firm operating under spot price uncertainty as the vehicle for our analysis , though it should be emphasized that it is not the firm per se that interests us but , rather , the risk , the dynamics , the complexity , and the optimality .
17 As some of his remarks in the Criterion commentaries made clear , he was not hostile to the idea of Empire , ‘ whatever the Daily Express may say ’ ; and if this should rouse the indignation of anti-imperialists , it should be realized that I am talking about a bygone era , since which the world-scene has been transformed , and the term colonialism is now employed usually in the service of invective .
18 If it is felt that this smacks too much of the ‘ green shield stamp ’ approach , it should be realized that it is intended that the scheme will operate with a substantial element of vocational and tutorial guidance using specialized staff .
19 It should be stated that it is an electric , rather then magnetic , dipole that is depicted and that the quadrupole belongs to a nucleus rather than a molecule .
20 A check should be made that it is the correct registration office and for opening times .
21 Luff 's achievements have now become legendary in the history of Blackpool 's tramways , but it should be recorded that he was fortunate in presiding during a time of expansion , and also enjoyed the political support of the Transport Chairman Ald. C. E. Tatham from 1934 until his death in 1954 .
22 I think it 's very important that er females should be taught that it 's pleasurable for them as well , you
23 Appendix 10.1 provides the analysis of the scores and it should be noticed that it is the ratio of A and B scores that is significant , not the absolute values .
24 It should be recognised that we are still in the early days of case-mix accounting .
25 It should be recognised that it is in the interests of all firms involved in the provision of financial services that regulation is adequate and seen to be adequate by investors , or custom will be lost for all concerned .
26 Right , it should n't be my responsibility to do that it should it should be accepted that it 's gon na be done .
27 The House should reject the amendment , but should be assured that we have taken on board the point made by the amendment .
28 If the retailers catalogue or other literature does not specifically state that a mains transformer is suitable for this parallel operation , it should be assumed that it is unsuitable for use in this manner .
29 The first question which an egoist might raise is why it should be assumed that I can not be aware from another 's viewpoint without being moved towards his goals .
30 However , it should be understood that it contains images of sexually explicit nature and is not recommended for those offended by such material .
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