Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where the disease is severe and well established in a number of calves , the stock owner should be warned that anthelmintic treatment , while being the only course available , may exacerbate the clinical signs in one or more animals with a possible fatal termination .
2 At an Inter-Command conference it was decided that if a similar situation emerged in Burma the Governor should be warned that Indian troops would not be available to quell a national rising .
3 1.9 " Certificate " means a certificate by the Architect to the effect that in the opinion of the Architect Practical Completion of the Landlord 's Works has been achieved and " Practical Completion " shall for the purposes of this agreement have the same meaning as in the Building Contract ) The " opinion of the Architect " should be qualified to read " the reasonable opinion of the Architect " , but it should be noted that practical completion can be certified even when some works under the building contract are still outstanding .
4 ‘ Buckets ’ have a very similar capacity , one which seems too small for them to be practical for fetching water to the house ; indeed it should be noted that durable containers for the bulk carrying and storage of liquids and solids are rare , except for the large metal cauldrons , dishes and buckets from rich seventh-century burials like that of Sutton Hoo mound 1 .
5 It should be noted that cl 3.2 gives a right to reject for latent defects that could not have been discovered upon examination and which appear after a reasonable period of use .
6 It should be noted that cl 7.3 goes beyond granting an indemnity for third party claims , since it also grants an indemnity for loss suffered by the buyer as a result of breaches of the contract by the seller .
7 It should be noted that cl 3 details the subject matter of the agreement ( ie the products to be supplied and their particular specifications ) by incorporating the contents of Scheds 1 and 2 to the agreement .
8 It should be noted that excess material from this stockpile will be used to form road embankments for the northern part of the Sighthill Section .
9 It should be noted that substantial acquisitions of public company shares as well as takeovers are governed by the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ( " the Code " ) .
10 It should be noted that following transfer of ownership , the registration of the aircraft often does not take place for some time afterwards .
11 While disputing the definition of an underclass composed of recalcitrant or wayward pathological individuals , it should be noted that current developments in public policy , especially the poll tax registration and payment procedures , are encouraging the formation of an ‘ underclass ’ in the sense of a section of society which does not participate even formally in society , let alone participate fully as citizens .
12 Finally , it should be noted that legal aid only remunerates lawyers and not other representatives .
13 It should be noted that existing equipment , in use before 1 January 1993 , will not , in general , have to meet the requirements until 1 January 1997 .
14 This discrepancy might be explained by differences in the species or sex of the animals used , the extent of small bowel resection ( 70% v 80% ) , or the type of carcinogen used , although it should be noted that 1,2 dimethylhydrazine is the natural precursor of azoxymethane .
15 It should be noted that each time a module is transferred from LIFESPAN , it is copied to the account from which LIFESPAN is currently being accessed .
16 It should be noted that each time a module is transferred from LIFESPAN , it is copied to the directory from which LIFESPAN is currently being accessed .
17 In this context , it should be noted that best execution would not apply , unless one of the SFA members is acting as intermediary for or advises the other and the client firm does not waive it .
18 It should be noted that 18 of these patients also had therapeutic endoscopy of the pancreas with the aim at restoring the patency of the pancreatic duct ( pancreatic sphincterotomy , extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , with or without stent placement in the main pancreatic duct ) .
19 It should be noted that all the experiments thus far have used vector representations .
20 As regards ( b ) it should be noted that all it does is to permit small and medium-sized companies to prune the accounts to be delivered to the Registrar and thus made public .
21 It should be noted that standard molar entropies of elements are not zero .
22 It should be noted that many other small islands were visited , whose names appear within the text , but not in the titles , of the various papers .
23 With regard to the latter , it should be noted that many Glasgow deaf church members around that time were very religious and so strongly disapproved of drinking that they formed their own temperance Society , the Glasgow Mutual Improvement Society .
24 Although a gastrocolonic response might be documented by placing a catheter in the sigmoid colon , it should be noted that many HAPCs do not propagate to the distal colon and would be missed by studies of the sigmoid and rectum alone .
25 It should be noted that many of the rights outlined above are qualified so as to accommodate existing national practices .
26 Given the ambiguity of the evidence from West Stow as to whether decorated funerary pottery was also used domestically , it should be noted that such grass-tempered vessels have open-mouthed , simple , rounded forms , whereas the ‘ funerary ’ wares are larger and have more restricted mouths .
27 It should be noted that such allowances are not available on the land element of any commercial building .
28 It should be noted that Black and Jewish women consistently supported our struggle towards political autonomy .
29 It should be noted that contrary to present law , where the accused kills using excessive force in self-defence , he will be guilty of manslaughter ( cl. 59 ) , not acquitted .
30 In response to this first reason , it should be noted that major UK companies with involvement in European markets already have to maintain sophisticated compliance programmes with respect to EC Article 86 : parallel UK legislation might , therefore , be expected to reduce the total costs of compliance for these companies as it would cut out some duplication .
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