Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] with [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Since those warm springs were the principal reason for the existence of Baden in the earliest days , perhaps they should be dealt with first .
2 The Opposition believe that we should consider alternatives and the ability of magistrates to say that something must be done with first offenders and that an alternative can work .
3 So what would be the worst possible picture we could be faced with next year ?
4 Each infantry battalion and armoured regiment had to have an operational ‘ peg ’ , but much of the sting was taken out of the Sandys Reformation , as far as the Army was concerned , by many of its regiments having 2nd and 3rd battalions , which could be amalgamated with 1st battalions as National Servicemen ran out , thus preserving regimental traditions .
5 For all that , there are certain well-defined causes of urethritis and they will be dealt with first .
6 As most tutors will be engaged in the correction of correspondence course tests submitted by students , this matter will be dealt with first .
7 Erm I mean looking at the , er the only solution , I feel erm another poor factor of this committee is probably er erm unnecessary and if I look at appendix four which lists the possibles , if I can find , erm it is n't actually necessary to have rules all like this , er next years erm , next years priority will be dealt with next year .
8 No direct comparison can be made with last year 's figures , as chairman Hugo Biermann reversed his company into a quoted shell company called Pathfinder Plc , and then changed its name to Maddox — because it was based in Maddox Street in London .
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