Example sentences of "[vb mod] we go [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 ’ Why should we go down to the spaceport , then ? ’
2 Er right , could we go on to perhaps a less emotive issue .
3 Ruth , what you were saying earlier , about women and class , could we go back to that , could you develop that a bit ?
4 Now could we go back to your office ?
5 Shall we go round to my place ? ’ said Sam .
6 Shall we go through to the conservatory ?
7 Shall we go through to the drawing-room ? ’ her hostess suggested .
8 Shall we go on to the next thing ?
9 Shall we go down to the brook ? "
10 Now , shall we go down to the police station ?
11 Right , can we go on to the open day ?
12 Can we go on to the minutes of the committee meeting of sixth December then .
13 In that case , can we go back to something you said just now ? ’
14 Again , analysis of the situation can help : ‘ We 've got away from what I wanted to discuss — can we go back to it ? ’
15 Now again , can we go back to that because
16 Can we go back to that , I mean we 've heard that they 're good for tourism
17 ‘ Believe it , Hilary , ’ he urged gently , and when she smiled he whispered , ‘ Can we go back to bed now ? ’
18 Thank you , can we go back to two , I I Mr and Mr , are your comment related to criterion two ?
19 Can we go back to the , very quickly to , er to the review of the design of the light fittings in the fifties and sixties , you mentioned the pleated paper ones which were close to the ceiling
20 Erm Now can , can we go back to the May the fourth directive .
21 Right erm can we go back to Samuel and just ask his date of birth please .
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