Example sentences of "[vb mod] begin [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The remedy for this doubt must begin with a careful discernment of which stage the doubt is in and what the root of the lack of conviction is .
2 This type must begin with a continental-margin orogen on the overriding plate and be transformed into an intercontinental collision orogen when continental crust on the underthrusting plate reaches the subduction zone .
3 The evangelical Hannah More , in her Thoughts on the Importance Or the Manners of the Great to General Society in 1788 , noted that : ‘ Reformation must begin with the GREAT or it will never be effectual .
4 We must begin with the initial decision.making within educational institutions themselves , and with the choice of what learning sequence or task will be presented to the students and for what reasons and with what expectations .
5 Action : All initial keywords must begin at the same position on the line as HEADER-FORMAT-IS
6 Employees ' contributions should begin with a 1 per cent contribution from the first £1.00 of earnings .
7 Local authorities should begin with a general review of the area concerned before work on the scheme proceeded , when the essential elements would be established : use zoning , roads , reservations and preservation of trees and protection of woodlands .
8 The general theory of relativity links the gravitational force and the structure of space–time , and so we should begin with a few remarks on the gravitational force and then explain how it was that the classical or Newtonian view of gravitation came to be seen as unsatisfactory .
9 You should begin with a rapid scan of the relevant section ( already located by the Overview stage ) .
10 The investigation should begin with a 2 × 2 grid .
11 ‘ Do n't you think you should begin with a lighter schedule ? ’
12 Cleo was convinced her search for the holy man should begin with the mad woman who had borne his child .
13 Analysis of the contractor 's programmes should begin at the tender stage so that from the onset of a contract the attainability of the programme ( and thus the completion date ) have been assessed .
14 In particular , general relativity can not predict how the universe should begin at the big bang .
15 It was proposed and agreed that a morning Sunday School should begin on the first Sunday in October at 9.45 am , this proposal to be submitted to the Superintendent minister , the Reverend James Donnelly , for his approval .
16 If the rent is payable monthly it is usually best that the tenancy should begin on the first of the month .
17 Bigger spending in the shops should begin in the second half of the year , boosted by rocketing disposable income on the back of recent cuts in the mortgage rate .
18 The first year of secondary schooling , at 12 plus in Scotland , ought not to differentiate pupils , the committee thought , but differentiation should begin in the second year , and be well established by the third .
19 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
20 If the study is successful , work may begin on a 650 megawatt plant .
21 Let's begin with the local results : League division two ; Wolves three , Oxford United three ; Beezer Homes League ; Witney Town five , Bury Town one ; the Vauxhall League ; Abingdon Town two , Egham one ; South Midlands League , the O'Brien Trophy quarter final ; Thame United two , Shillington one ; division one ; Oxford City three , Cranfield United three ; South-east Counties League ; Southampton four , Oxford United four ; the Oxon Senior Cup , quarter final ; Carterton three , Henley two ; the Hellenic League , premier division ; Abingdon United three , Hounslow nil ; Banbury United three , Fairford two ; Bicester Town two , Kintbury one ; Bishops Cleve three , Headington Amateurs three ; Didcot Town three , Almondsbury four ; Morton nil , Shortwood three ; Milton two , Rayners Lane nil .
22 Foul weather with squally winds put paid to an immediate start on the building so it was several months before the engine strip-down could begin under the new roof .
23 One could begin with a base-form pronunciation of each word in the dictionary , and then apply phonological rules to generate valid variations in pronunciation .
24 The West Green House and garden were closed to the public in April so that work could begin on a two-year restoration programme of the garden .
25 It would only be a matter of time , analysts warned , before a conservative backlash would begin with the usual repressive measures against bourgeois liberalism .
26 The Collector had expected that the attack would begin with the howling warcry he had come to dread , but for once it did not ; out of the thin ground mist that lingered in a slight dip in between the churchyard wall and the ruins of the Cutcherry the shapes of men began to appear .
27 The moratorium would begin on the same day as negotiations opened .
28 This can be avoided in the second model : Here pupils would begin at an agreed level and be guided through tasks with demands at each step increasing so that every child can positively achieve , i.e. reach their place on the ladder while the most able can continue to show their abilities beyond a fixed range .
29 The international mediator Lord Owen said yesterday that talks between the Croatian government and Serbs would begin at the United Nations next week in an effort to renew a peace agreement blown apart in recent fighting .
30 Making the announcement , which follows two years of uncertainty about the zoo 's future , Dr Gipps said £2.5 million was already assured for the capital project which would begin in the next financial year .
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