Example sentences of "[vb mod] come [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 At the conclusion of the meeting there will probably be three questions you will need to ask and which should come at the end of your own list .
2 Still , they might have had a few more years left in them yet , and so in that respect , it was rather courageous of them to accept Nicholson 's script and Rafelson 's apparent decision that all good things must come to an end .
3 ‘ I 'm afraid our little arrangement must come to an end , Ruth , ’ she said at once .
4 ‘ Everything must come to an end , even a long time spent on the run , ’ police quoted him as saying .
5 Writing in the Yorkshire Miner he declared : ‘ The day of the exploited miner must come to an end now .
6 This meant in practice that all foreign intervention , by the United States and Pakistan as well as the USSR , must come to an end ; secure guarantees must be provided that there would be no further intervention in Afghan affairs ; and the People 's Democratic Party ( which remained strongly Soviet-aligned ) was to be accorded a dominant position in any future Afghan government .
7 Dulé found himself longing , this carnage , this bloodshed must come to an end , we must call a truce , make a new treaty .
8 The bailing out of weaker building societies must come to an end .
9 But all good things must come to an end ; back on the old routine mixing it with the Luftwaffe and all they could muster — and their reaction was tremendous .
10 Reason said , Not always , for otherwise mankind itself might come to an end .
11 Charlie was n't frightened of any Germans , but he still hoped that the war might come to an end quickly and that his father would return to Whitechapel and his routine of working at the docks during the day and drinking in the Black Bull at night But with no letters and only restricted news in the papers even Mr Salmon could n't tell him what was really happening at the front .
12 Yeah , if you think you might come to the end of a conversation before you reach the end of the tape , they 've rather you put a new tape in .
13 ‘ I 'd come to the end of my tether , ’ she confesses .
14 Many prophets in the tenth century believed that the world would come to an end in the year 1000 , but according to A. J. Gurevich the legends concerning mass psychoses in Europe as the year 1000 approached originated at the end of the fifteenth century when people really were afraid that the end of the world was imminent .
15 Normally , New Scientist heralds the beginning of April with a few jeux d'esprit , but this year it was subdued , predicting only that the world would come to an end on 5 April , a prophecy based on meat consumption figures , though it was hard to make up the mind about an item called ‘ What the woodlouse can teach us about marriage ’ .
16 She could n't leave them any money because all she had was an annuity that would come to an end when she died , but Mister Johnny 's got a little bit that his parents left him and Hepzibah makes some from the poultry , so they should have just enough .
17 However , any subjective concept of time that was related to consciousness or the ability to perform measurements would come to an end .
18 It would have had a beginning in the big bang , about fifteen billion years ago , and it would come to an end for a star that collapsed and for anything that fell into the black hole the collapsing star left behind .
19 Their histories , in real time , would come to an end at a singularity .
20 Einstein 's general theory of relativity , on its own , predicted that space-time began at the big bang singularity and would come to an end either at the big crunch singularity ( if the whole universe recollapsed ) , or at a singularity inside a black hole ( if a local region , such as a star , were to collapse ) .
21 Although I remained resolute that my partnership with Charlie would come to an end the moment I was offered a place at university , I still believed that with his energy and drive , combined with my level-headed approach in all matters financial , we would surely have impressed my father and perhaps even Granpa Charlie .
22 I had asked the plumber to come and had reminded him several times and no doubt he would come in the end .
23 There are , therefore , some grounds for modest optimism that the slump in the housing market may come to an end this year , although prices are likely to fall by as much as 3% or 4% from current levels before stabilising .
24 A partnership may come to an end in any one of a number of different ways , as follows .
25 These indicate that time itself had a beginning about fifteen billion years ago and that it may come to an end at some point in the future .
26 God created the world , humans fell , in time He sent His Son Jesus Christ , who lived , died and rose again , and who will come at the end of time .
27 The the the authorities part will come at the end of the month and the T P S will come on the your birthday .
28 The seven which are relevant to Christ 's manhood are : belief in the Incarnation and Virgin birth ; that in Jesus God and man are united , begotten by God , born of Mary ; belief in " Cristes passion " that after Christ was taken down from the cross dead ( the deposition ) , he liberated those believers subject to death before he was born , a process known as the Harrowing of Hell ; that though he suffered mortality , he rose from the dead through the strength of God , and made this possible for all men ; that he ascended into heaven and was crowned higher than the angels ; that he will come at the end of time to judge the world and this will be the end of the era of redemption : These two sets of seven points about the Godhead and Christ delineate beliefs about the nature of life subject to a process of sickness and death but also filled with the potential for healing realised definitively in the life of Christ .
29 God in no way needs the world and He did not need to make it : creation is the expression of His pure outgoing love and indeed traditional Christian teaching has held that one day this present world will come to an end but God will still be the same God .
30 Some of the priests and pastors who joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament seemed to have abandoned the fundamental Christian belief that God brought the world into existence and will determine when , if ever , it will come to an end .
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