Example sentences of "[vb mod] make [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NatWest Home Improvement Loan Protector is administered by National Westminster Insurance Services Limited , who will deal with any claims that you may make under the policy .
2 When official conservation often does not work , part of the problem may lie in the assumptions which the conservationist , government servant or politician may make about the cause of failure .
3 These accusations may be wholly untrue but they will be made to an extent not paralleled by criticism of any judgment he may make from the bench of the regular courts .
4 Having turned the car , she wondered if she should make for the cottage to talk out with her mother what her next move should be , but thinking that would leave her grandmother alone too long , she decided to make for home again .
5 That , considering the combined contribution the new company must make to the Government for its franchise will be a punishing £50m a year , might prove difficult to resist .
6 If you are assessed as needing residential or nursing home care , your means will also be assessed and you will be advised of the contribution you must make towards the cost of your care .
7 Wiv all the money we 'll make from the match day market and the find the lady stall in the boardroom — oh sorry , no , you 've already got one — we 'll be able to go out and buy a few proper players .
8 It was not the harm he might do himself but the slips he might make along the way which alerted Emlyn .
9 Whatever his motives , Salah was careful to underplay the contribution education might make to the emancipation and liberation of women .
10 Much attention is now being paid to the contribution which differences in labour market flexibility might make to the explanation of international differences in unemployment rates and economic growth .
11 More remarkable still , in 1907 Pius X instructed Catholics to give assent not only to what the Biblical Commission had already decided , but to all decisions that it might make in the future .
12 Why , said Pumlumon , had n't there been a time , not so very long ago either , when he could rattle off the words that set the Draoicht Suan working with no more ado than you might make in the squashing of a flea , always supposing you wanted to do something so pointless , which Pumlumon himself never had .
13 She 'd make for the kitchen , she thought , and let herself out through the back door .
14 The House of Lords found that the legislation only allowed terms to be attached which related to the use of the site and not to the types of contract the site owner could make with the caravan owners .
15 I repeat what I have always said : 175 is the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could make of the number required after the transitional period to carry out the duties that I have described .
16 I feel the greatest contribution the National Council could make to the Rottweiler in Australia is the stabilizing of type , but in the present climate , with a flood of imports from various destinations , this will be all the more difficult .
17 It was work towards which all Ramsey 's training and expectations led as the right contribution which he could make to the life of his Church and to that of Christendom .
18 Legislation further restricting the employment of children reduced the contribution they could make to the family economy .
19 The introduction of compulsory elementary education after 1870 may have prompted a re-evaluation of the cost of children because it seriously diminished the contribution the child could make to the family economy .
20 Surprisingly , relatively few women saw sheepdog work as a useful contribution they could make to the farm .
21 Firmly replacing the lid he marvelled , as he always did , at the difference one girl and an eighteen-month-old baby could make to the volume of household waste .
22 On the other hand , repeated reference was made in the debate " to the valuable contribution that assistance for family planning could make to the health of women " .
23 The US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said on Oct. 13 , 1989 , that the technology had placed an effective anti-missile system within US reach and described it as " the single most important military bequest this generation could make to the future " .
24 ‘ Pugna pro patria ’ , ‘ Fight for your country ’ , was a call which Bishop Brinton could make from the pulpit in the 1370s .
25 Amiss wondered what the average reader would make of the club .
26 Felix remembered the gang of them at the beginning of the World War , with Stephen stomping around reviling the call-up , deciding on conscientious objection for himself , shaking off the hand of any acquaintance who tried to help him speed over a dangerous crossing , and talking about the anti-militarist statement he would make to the court .
27 Erm just difference they would make to the price .
28 UP 1 a knows the meaning of p iff a knows what difference the truth of p would make to the evidence of a 's senses .
29 MP : the meaning of S is the difference that the truth of S would make to the evidence of one 's senses .
30 MP : the meaning of S is the difference that the truth of S would make to the evidence of one 's senses .
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