Example sentences of "[vb mod] go [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 We must go up in the loft and find your clothes
2 ‘ Mr Gould was worn out by our reverses , regretted the loss of time , and this very afternoon had been declaring with many apologies that he must go back in the Vansittart .
3 We 'll go up in the lift , alright ?
4 No , he asks you to please stay for supper and we 'll go on in the morning .
5 No , he asks you to please stay for supper and we 'll go on in the morning .
6 We 'll spend the night there , and then , if she 's recovered , we 'll go on in the morning through Lima to Tacna in the south of Peru .
7 Right well I 'll start today if you do n't mind and we 'll go round in the normal way erm when we come to Pat .
8 I 'll go over in the spring . ’
9 Seventeen and four it is , you owe me one and threepence halfpenny , and it 'll go down in the book .
10 We 'll go down in the morning . ’
11 Oh well we 'll go back in the other room .
12 But the settlement is believed to have given Kuwait assurances that its production could go up in the summer if the market is strong enough .
13 Leith snapped angrily — and realised she could go on in the same vein until she was blue in the face and it still would n't dent him .
14 some members of a band could go out in the evening and pop into a whole bunch of places to ask if they will give them a gig .
15 I really think , although I would not be prepared to put it to the test , that you could go out in the streets of London in your nightdress and nobody would notice .
16 You 'd go out in the morning and be back again in the afternoon . ’
17 You did n't consider that , you er i As I say you 'd go out in the morning .
18 He used to come into the shop after a little while and he 'd go back in the kitchen again and he 'd come back again later on .
19 Was there a lot of erm drinking used to go on in the , in the , in the area at the time ?
20 And then they used to put them in er er small boxes out in the field and er I used to go round in the woodlands and cut some you see , put them in the ground with a small branch on them and then we used to make some string and loops out of erm wire to go round their feet you see .
21 When we used to go out in the street , I would be on one side of the matron holding her arm , my sister on the other side doing the same .
22 You used to go out in the in the wash-house and wash yourselves , under the cold water tap .
23 They used to go out in the morning to these houses , then they 'd give a performance on the sands .
24 He used to go out in the air raids and watch the anti aircraft shells bursting in the sky because he said they looked like beautiful flowers .
25 Australian Greg Norman may go down in the record-books as the unluckiest player in the major championships .
26 Nowadays the attitude seems totally the opposite ; the modern-day prop appears to say : ‘ I may go down in the scrummage , but I will never go back ’ .
27 He would go up in the lift .
28 The inspector was pleased to receive that , noting the fact that we had a , a drop in our work output but expected that , that would go up in the next year or two .
29 Pop would go out in the morning scouring the countryside for meat and vegetables , and sometimes having to dive into a culvert if there was a raid ; meanwhile the officers would shepherd us into trenches and play games until the raid was over .
30 Well presumably would go back in the village and if you asked other villagers look how much has X grown on that bit of land they will tell you .
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