Example sentences of "[vb mod] go [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I was so struck with the place that when I came back to Le Court I told John that he ought to go there for a visit .
2 He was surprised to find , for example , that men who make their living out of reporting news and gossip should go away from a private lunch with him and the Princess and talk about it .
3 Though no match for Gaelstrom and Now Your Talkin , he was running on well into third at the end , and in receipt of 20lbs from Highland Spirit should go well at a big price .
4 He or she would decide whether cases should go on to a Children 's Hearing before the Children 's Panel , or whether to take no further action .
5 Where to borrow depends a little on what you need the loan for , but broadly speaking you should go straight to a bank or building society and explain that you want a personal loan .
6 The outcome is expected to influence Scottish Homes in deciding whether Waverley or Eildon should go forward for a four-week postal ballot in June .
7 if I won bigger money , I should go in for a new house , which would be built to our own idea , so that we could get a bigger scullery … .
8 For both reasons , the amount of looking at the listener should go down during a phase of speech production which involves a large amount of cognitive planning .
9 The counsel given was probably the best in the circumstances , which was that I should go abroad for a break .
10 It should go out of a window
11 ‘ What would you say if I told you I must go away for a week ?
12 You must go out on a starry night and walk about for half an hour trying to see the sky in terms of the old ( Ptolemaic ) cosmology .
13 The viewing figure must go down by a half now .
14 He says , and then you 'll go downstairs for a cup of tea and then you 'll he says , get back into bed !
15 When you send out tell them not to put on a road block because the guy driving the truck is a real ‘ Harvey Wallbanger ’ and he 'll go straight through a patrol car . ’
16 It 'll go up with a bang I think !
17 ‘ The likes of her 'll go on for a bit yet , ’ said Jack .
18 Yeah , try those for and er , I mean there , but there , they 'll go on to a similar any way , but just keeping up the enjoyment side and er
19 As it is , they 'll go round with a wicked twinkle in their eyes , and say : ‘ I do think he has some of the verve , some of the sparkle of Walter Machin , do n't you , Alfred ?
20 In other words , we 've been funding from within our own budget new developments that 'll come on stream next year and it 's a very complicated budget and it contains some quite erm controversial erm subjects , which no doubt we 'll go through in a minute , but overall erm , given the total financial situation , I 'm a relieved man today .
21 We 'll go out for a meal after the performance , ’ said her husband , slitting open the last of his letters .
22 " I say , darling , " Stephen said , " I think I 'll go out for a bit , blow the cobwebs away . "
23 ‘ I 'll wash my hair — and then I 'll go out for a walk . ’
24 ‘ We 'll go out for a meal , to a quiet exclusive mirador I know with the most spectacular views across to Cabo de Formentor and then we 'll talk , really talk . ’
25 they do n't do enough work to really create any problems today , do you see what they 're to do somebody will say ooh we 'll go out for a ride
26 We 'll go out for a drive probably out an hour , whereas years ago the horse used to come out the stable at seven in the morning he would n't go back till probably five at night .
27 cos what we 'll do we 'll go out for a meal in the evening
28 Good dog Sara , aye you 're a good dog , yes , you 'll go out in a minute , yes .
29 Yes you 'll go out in a minute , to Stephen , go to Stephen .
30 Yes well I 'll go fortnightly for a little while then it 'll tail off .
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