Example sentences of "[vb mod] go [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 If the hon. Gentleman were interested in patient care , instead of opposing NHS trust proposals in principle , he would look at the merits of the proposals and decide whether they should go ahead on the basis of the interests of patient care — and that is precisely what my right hon. Friend will do .
2 Hank was so used to being deserted by his mother that he did not think it odd that she should go out on the first evening in ten weeks that his father had been able to spend at home .
3 This must go up on the wall ! ’ and stick his latest painting up with Sellotape alongside the daubs by the mentally handicapped group she had played for at Christmas , and the postcards from her friends all over the world .
4 Nothing would do but we must go out on the river .
5 ‘ We 'll go up on the roof , ’ John said .
6 I know what we 'll do ; I 'll go up on the dunes and you hit the bell with your bit of wood and we 'll see if I can hear it .
7 We 've been thrilled with this work experience cos was Dave originally had these five days off taping and he said no , he said , you know you 're so tired , have a little rest we 'll go up I 'll go up on the train only to get to the Selhurst Park he 's got four or five train journeys
8 ‘ I 'll go out on the square and into the city 's ear .
9 Then we 'll go out on the road .
10 Give me a moment or two to change my clothes and leave a note for Jules , then we 'll go out on the town . ’
11 And they 'll go back on the road before that happens .
12 We could go up on the railway sidings . ’
13 Wood engravings can accompany type , and so once again pictures could go back on the page ; they were also very durable , so that runs of hundreds of thousands were possible .
14 You could , you could go back on the Permitabs if you want .
15 Then we could go down on the line and wave it , ’ said Peter .
16 We 'd go out on the town , hit a few cocktail parties , go dancing , and I 'd drop a few hundred quid on a weekend . ’
17 And course that used t that used to go down on the bed and when you pulled that be there so many years , your hands all went purple and that 'd be days before that went off .
18 In days when guests used to go out on the hill with gillies if they were fishing a large loch , and caught undersized trout , they did n't put these small fish back ; instead , they put them in a bucket , taken along for the purpose , and carefully carried the little fish to an adjacent lochan .
19 I used to go home on the train with striped legs .
20 Let's go up on the roof .
21 She said calmly , ‘ Let's go up on the Downs .
22 And so erm we did n't wan na put them off and I like to be here because erm Bob likes to go on the Moor as well , so we shall go out on the Moor with the dog a couple of times
23 This was principally because he had taken up fire-watching duties there , and once or twice a week he would go up on the roof : he would have heard the sound of the aircraft , and the bursts of shrapnel from the anti-aircraft guns , while all the time scrutinizing the " blacked out " city for the evidence of fires .
24 Two more previews to go , and then , at seven o'clock on the Thursday ( early so that the critics could get their copy in ) , the curtain would go up on the first night proper of The Hooded Owl .
25 trying to turn the tables again so that he would stop feeling uncomfortable and Starke would go back on the defensive .
26 And they argue that half the night , and then er your thing will go through on the nod , if you get it in before t half past nine when they er standing order say the council meeting closes .
27 The chief one is the interference caused by its broadcasts , which will go out on the frequency of channel 37 , to which many domestic VCRs and some satellite receivers are tuned .
28 In addition , the present range of Gaelic evening programmes will go out on the new frequency .
29 I mean you can go up on the rest of the week , but the day before the holiday and the day after the holiday the
30 Firstly the bill can go through on the nod with no note .
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