Example sentences of "[vb mod] have have no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There is , needless to say , no suggestion that the Bank of England are in contempt , and , for the same reasons as have led me to conclude that the injunction is overridden , I should have had no hesitation in varying the injunction if it had been necessary to do so .
2 In cases falling within this protected class , security given by the surety would , in certain circumstances , be unenforceable notwithstanding that the creditor might have had no knowledge of and not have been responsible for the vitiating feature of the transaction .
3 If speaker D had gone on at some length about ‘ cobbles ’ or rough roads in general , or if the analysis only had part of this fragment , up to C 's it was rather rough , then we might have had no evidence of a divergence in speakers ' topics within the conversation .
4 Last September the Redruth hooker , 28 , could have had no hope of playing at Twickenham as he had smashed an elbow in a minor club match and Dawe , his long-standing rival , had been appointed county captain .
5 Since Mr Johnson died before the museum was built , he could have had no way of knowing the context in which his collection would eventually be shown .
6 He could have had no idea that Mr Waterhouse was to become one of the greatest civic architects of the north , for in 1856 , when Hinderton Hall was built , he was still at the brink of his career .
7 When Conan Doyle put these words into the mouth of Sherlock Holmes , he could have had no idea of the tools which would one day become available to the great detective 's fellow scientists in their search for truth .
8 What developed was a massacre rather than any battle , as disciplined and prepared thousands bore down upon a scattered , unready and largely leaderless crowd , which could have had no idea that any enemy were on this side of the river .
9 But then , he could have had no idea that we were going to have a look at the Delos .
10 In relation to such a claim the ex turpi causa defence could have had no application .
11 … As appears from the decision below , the plaintiff could have had no certainty of ultimate success , and we are of opinion that it was not called upon to take the risk of having its contracts disputed and its business injured and of finding the tax more or less nearly doubled in case it finally had to pay .
12 " I 'm well aware of that , but you 'd have had no choice .
13 Well , in t e old days , two years ago , when she 'd been his Gemma , she 'd have had no choice but to pack her trunks and live under the roof he provided , wherever he chose to provide it .
14 Levi , the expert on metals , would have had no difficulty in telling the difference between gold and tin .
15 For Mrs Thatcher , the timing of President de Klerk 's announcement in the week before the Commonwealth conference is helpful , though she would have had no difficulty in resisting pressure there for further sanctions .
16 There was so much hostility to his Catholicism and his attack on chartered rights that it might have been thought William and Mary would have had no difficulty establishing their authority in America , but this was not what happened .
17 By the middle of the twelfth century , John 's French readers would have had no difficulty in making the necessary identifications : castellans and viscounts , baillis and prévôts , household officers , the clerks , knights , and chamberlains of princely courts abounded .
18 Charlie Williams took his number 14 bus to Shaftesbury Avenue , looked at Ken 's name in lights and had he heard anyone say anything against ‘ the boy ’ would have had no difficulty in punching him one .
19 But 300 years ago , a boy a quarter of his age , would have had no difficulty with double the number of oxen .
20 Equally , Mrs Smith argued , the common law would have had no difficulty in affording a right of action to parents in a case such as the present one .
21 The handicapped child , who would eventually have to move into society , would be ill-equipped to face that society 's tensions and realities whilst the ‘ normal ’ child would have had no experience , during the impressionable and formative years , of relating to the disabled .
22 I do n't know whether there was anyone there from BBC Television , but if there was , he or she would have had no doubt who should be the person to present a regular natural history programme if and when they got round to it .
23 Their medieval neighbours who considered their conduct unneighbourly , unjust and unfair , would have had no hesitation in attempting to tighten their looseness in the interests of the common good .
24 ‘ If I had known the mouthpiece was sterile , I would have had no hesitation in agreeing to the test .
25 Siward , the man who , had he , Thorfinn , been standing under that cross and issuing that challenge instead of a priest , would have had no hesitation in ordering his best marksman to smite him dead with his bow or his javelin .
26 He would have had no hesitation in sending the Bishop back to Saxony by celestial transport , save that at that moment the Normans emerged again from the wood .
27 Or , of course , if she is muzzled , she may have been killed by other predators against which she would have had no defence .
28 The Hammonds would have had no defence to an action for the price .
29 Had the defendant been aware , it is submitted , he would have had no defence , since he would then have been making a mistake as to whether or not the policeman was justified in seeking to restrain him , and whether he was therefore acting in the execution of his duty .
30 It should be noted that the accused would have had no defence to a charge of obtaining property by deception by switching the price labels .
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