Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [vb pp] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 I should have hit him a lot harder in the first place .
2 Should have nabbed him the park though !
3 Perhaps his teacher should have given him a better word than ‘ tidgy ’ , but they both knew what they meant .
4 ‘ That she should have given him the letter a week after his arrival .
5 ‘ You should have smacked him a good one when you had the chance ! ’
6 Yet , when I was seven years old , I should have thought him a very silly little boy indeed not to have understood about metaphorically speaking , even if he had never heard of it , and it does seem that what he possessed in the way of scientific approach he lacked in common sense .
7 Dad said , and it must have cost him a lot to say so little after he 'd been put down by me , ‘ I 've decided I want to be with Eva . ’
8 Must have cost him a few thousand to have it done . ’
9 He believed she must have sent him the bill personally , wanting to meet him as much as he wanted to meet her .
10 Colin was on City 's books in the 1960s and the 77th-minute winner must have given him a kick .
11 You must have given him a pretty sleepless night through not answering the telephone . ’
12 His early acquaintance with Pub ] ius Rutilius Rufus at the school of Panaetius must have given him a first taste of Roman optimates : later he had Pompey and Cicero among his admirers .
13 The girl must have given him the elbow , Harriet decided .
14 Ernest Jarvis did what he had to do elaborately , and it must have taken him a long time .
15 They must have thought him a bit insensitive — running off like that , the day after …
16 And we 'll have given him a clue for how to budget for next year as well .
17 ‘ And it might have done him a bit of good . ’
18 What 's more they might have done him an injury if he had n't pulled off his cassock pretty smartish and turned back into Matt , which calmed them down .
19 Ironically , one of Mr Yeltsin 's critics , Mr Ruslan Khasbulatov , speaker of parliament , might have swung him a few votes by appealing at the start of the session for deputies to behave responsibly , seek compromise and encourage ‘ dialogue , not monologue ’ .
20 It was the sort of contribution to British life which might have brought him an honour .
21 It seemed to her that , despite all he had done , Ursula might have spared him a word or gesture of encouragement .
22 Revelations about his string of dancing partners and unsuitable friends might have earned him a reputation not unlike Fergie 's .
23 And that , I I was , my hus , during the time mother was ill , my husband took ill , now this is where authorities do n't give you any back up , instead of sending him to hospital which was fifteen minutes by bus , I could have visited him every day they sent him to the other side of the county which only allowed a visit once a week , and meant I had to leave at twelve o'clock and get home at six !
24 That could have made him a candidate for murder , could n't it ? ’
25 This time there was plenty of evidence that could have saved him the trouble of the trip .
26 Because of the missing front leg , the Collector had to sit well back and to one side ; even so , he sometimes forgot about it and , waving an arm for emphasis , narrowly avoided plunging to the floor ; this could have caused him a severe injury since the floor was some way below .
27 Sarella turned in time to catch Marc 's worried glance following the reckless path of the jeep , but then he turned , and she could almost believe she 'd imagined that fleeting expression when he gave her a cynical smile and said , ‘ If it 's proverbs he wants I could have swopped him a more appropriate one . ’
28 On the other hand , he was n't all that heavily built and a strong man — or woman , come to that — could have dragged him a short distance . ’
29 X-ray fluorescence ( XRE ) analysis ( see glossary ) of solders used on Roman silver suggests that the Roman silversmith did indeed use several different solders which could have given him a working temperature range from the melting point of silver ( 960°C ) , down to 180°C .
30 I could have given him a straight rejection , but I suppose that was not in my nature .
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