Example sentences of "[vb mod] be used in the " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , in order that the trial should be of any value at all , both materials should be used in the way that will produce the best results .
2 The key question is not whether their use may be discontinued , once started ; rather , it is whether they should be used in the first place .
3 The disparity of provision partly reflects the lack of understanding by teachers of the purpose of a school library , and ways in which it should be used in the curriculum , so that it is still regarded as a peripheral concern , a room open for pupils in the lunch hour and for English lessons for children to borrow books .
4 The proliferation of all these tests for bacteria raises a practical problem if they should be used in the investigation of diarrhoea .
5 Nobody expects a paragon of virtue but the nurse is meant to be realistic , is meant to have self-knowledge because the ‘ self ’ must be used in the relationship .
6 A type identifier must be used in the definition of a pointer type .
7 We discussed in Chapter 7 how a camera might be used in the classroom to record student performance , and in Chapter 9 the recording of teacher performance as part of a teacher-training programme .
8 It was held that property in the incomplete ship passed on payment of the first instalment but that no property passed at that time in some materials which were Lying in the ship yard and might be used in the ship 's construction .
9 The bonds might be used in the privatization programme and other debt conversion programmes yet to be created .
10 However , the idea that archive work might be used in the training of embryo diplomats still surfaced from time to time in France .
11 Each one , in its way , might suggest some piece of a natural form which could be used in the creation of a marquetry design .
12 In order to make the radio series , over 30 interviews were recorded exclusively , although only 5% could be used in the finished production , which is why I decided to produce this book , which will prove to be an excellent documentation on the life of David Bowie — an insight into this enigma of the rock world — told by those who really know .
13 Although alcohol is the most obvious example of a biomass fuel others would include methane from sewage which could be used in the internal combustion engine as well as a chemical feedstock .
14 I designed it pretty much around the idea that it could be used in the studio and on the road .
15 They would certainly be useful in floral decorations and I also wonder if they could be used in the greenhouse for transplanting seedlings ?
16 Rosing however indicated that FirstPerson , said to be very focused , will not be in the personal digital assistant business , although the technology could be used in the handheld devices .
17 Problems have arisen because of the belief that none of the well-known and loved musical settings could be used in the new rites .
18 Each module has a section on Suggested Learning and Teaching Approaches which could be used in the delivery of the module .
19 The Garda Crime Prevention Officer in Letterkenny has issued a warning that items which could be used in the celebration of a ‘ Black Mass ’ had been discovered .
20 He added that Croda-funded research at Stirling was now targeted towards developing a further ‘ Lorenzo 's Oil ’ which it was hoped could be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis .
21 That led the Government to conclude that environmental concerns were bound to constrain the amount of coal that could be used in the UK in the longer term .
22 The consortium intends picking suppliers for federated naming ( which may be used in the object management system to enhance seamless support for multiple object managers ) , multimedia support and object management in the third quarter .
23 Text corpora provide empirical data concerning language usage , and as such may be used in the design and testing of NLP systems .
24 On the other hand , Simmel provides an excellent example of the grounding of Hegelian ideas as a model of culture , and specifically modern culture , and clearly demonstrates how these ideas may be used in the exploration of the everyday goods of the mass market ( e.g. 1957 ) .
25 If the suspect 's lawyer is present at this on the spot interview , a statement taken may be used in the ways just described .
26 The company 's scheming activities may be used in the production of detailed engineering drawings to be passed to sub-contractors for production .
27 Ampicillin or amoxycillin remain the drugs of choice , although a first generation cephalosporin may be used in the case of ampicillin allergy .
28 With the Nuclide Luminoscope® , a standard glass coverslip may be used in the recessed viewing window when the thicker lead glass window does not allow the shorter working distance objectives to focus .
29 If , on the other hand , the golem is already working , then Haberup ( who may not this time be in a position to claim the patent rights ) has presumably done something to annoy it , and in this case ( 10 ) may be used in the sense of an answer to the question : ( 11 ) what did Haberup do to his golem ?
30 Appendix C describes the keywords which may be used in the RDBI configuration file .
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