Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [v-ing] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of threatening Cumani , the punter with the violent rather than lucky streak should be kicking himself for not biding his time before backing Shellac .
2 But if you , too , see life through such dark spectacles , perhaps a book with a murderer her , with whom your readers are going to sympathise if you can possibly make them ( notice how in the later Ripley book Patricia Highsmith shows him as a loving gardener ) or with any other sort of anti-law hero , this is the sort of work you should be addressing yourself to .
3 It says they should be comparing themselves with other UK scientists , and not with Europe .
4 At this point the student should be supporting himself on his hands and the ball of his left foot .
5 Then , of course , there were the Bruces , Lord Bruce who should be preparing himself for death instead of being involved in politics as if he were some young courtier intent on rising as fast and as far as he could .
6 It did not enter my head that I might have the seeds of a talent , that I too might have a career and that I should be preparing myself for it .
7 But not too many of those who reckoned she should be pitting herself alongside the professionals recognised that she was putting herself through a far tougher ordeal by playing in a junior championship where she had everything to lose , nothing to gain .
8 We should be asking ourselves about the character of individuals which are being produced by the family forms that we have today and about law 's part in creating the domestic group .
9 SHAREHOLDERS in Pacific Horizon Investment must be congratulating themselves on their decision last August to switch the trust 's investment management from Jupiter Tyndall to Edinburgh 's Baillie Gifford , after news yesterday of a 38.8 per cent leap in net asset value per share at halfway , writes George Duthie .
10 Distillery played with great spirit but Crusaders must be kicking themselves for the chances they threw away .
11 She had not stopped to think that she might be inserting herself into a social scene that she had walked away from when she had left home .
12 A good dancing tune now , or else you might be dancing yourself on the end of a rope . ’
13 She did not know it , but pallor had conferred an almost grave beauty on her , so that Havvie Blaine , arriving on the minute , thought , not for the first time , that he might be selling himself for dollars , but that he was getting more than dollars in return .
14 The gulls can see the help and benefit they receive from Iago 's service , but can not see , or conceive , that Iago could be benefiting himself at the same time ; and no one could possibly see that Iago is in fact benefiting himself by destroying them .
15 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , or even using ordinary power tools indoors like drills and saws , you could be putting yourself at risk .
16 If you use any mains electrical appliance or tool outdoors , or where there is a possibility of water spillage , you could be putting yourself at risk .
17 You could be very stupid and go straight back to your flat , in which case you could be putting yourself in a lot of danger .
18 There are 10 very lucky readers who could be treating themselves to a hot , refreshing shower every morning .
19 If not it seems to me possible that Summerchild could be opening himself to proceedings under the Official Secrets Act .
20 If she accepted this crazy proposal of his then she 'd be committing herself to a course of action that could be supremely dangerous to her .
21 Bisexual women ( who have sex with both women and men ) may be putting themselves at risk if they have unsafe sex with male partners .
22 Beyond that size , you would be paying more in compensation for the loss of marginal benefit of another inch than you would be saving yourself in reduced cost of the externality .
23 Were members to pass it as it stood , this would be an arrogant move indeed : they would be considering themselves to be more sensible than people outside .
24 ‘ If I was to insult the contestants I would be shooting myself in the foot .
25 For Italy or France this is of no particular significance , since the role of their parliaments is not great , but Britain would be depriving itself of its most important political institution .
26 If they did not know all of his plans , they would be placing themselves in great danger .
27 To some temperaments it may seem that in crediting myself only with a capacity to choose between reactions which themselves are not chosen but caused , I would be representing myself as something less than human .
28 ‘ Although we will not be contesting the election in Darlington and Richmond , we shall be involving ourselves in the debate about environmental issues which have attracted scant attention from the other main parties . ’
29 So I shall be enjoying myself at the wedding
30 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
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