Example sentences of "[vb mod] not go [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 I woke up having 5 minute contractions and thought I 'd lost ‘ my water ’ on the loo , without really being sure ( if only you could have a trial run — but then you might not go through with it if you did ! )
2 Then , at a certain moment , I just could not go on with that any longer .
3 So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun .
4 ‘ I was in the war , ’ the poppy-seller at Charing Cross said , to explain why he could not go along with the media insistence that this was a good news story .
5 Our man , whoever he is , came in close for the kill , but could n't go through with it . ’
6 She could n't go through with it .
7 They laughed so much , they could n't go on with the interview .
8 I just could n't go on with that last letter .
9 Could n't go on with it , not after what happened .
10 Could n't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in .
11 That 's when I realised that I could n't go on with this free agent nonsense .
12 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
13 Just because he was a policeman did n't mean she could n't go out with him , surely ?
14 ‘ Perhaps she 's crying because she could n't go out with Mrs Reed in the carriage this morning , ’ suggested Bessie .
15 I could n't go out with Dominic because we had so much to do .
16 You could n't go out with two people .
17 Because my brother was here , and he could n't go out with mother being here old .
18 Did I look so obviously the sort to get into trouble that I could n't go about with circles under my eyes , or telephone a doctor , or throw up once in a while , without everyone immediately jumping to a single conclusion ?
19 And if I were ill , someone else would take over , I need not go on with this .
20 But for some reason Alice would not go on with that thought .
21 Nevertheless , despite much wisdom , and many excellent passages , I would not go along with this book in numerous details , nor in its general attitude .
22 It swiftly became apparent that congress would not go along with such an increase , especially after the big Democratic gains in the 1974 elections .
23 Wishing to rid the Anglican Church of the influence of Archbishop Laud , he would not go along with more zealous reformers who wished to break away .
24 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
25 But can you see the people who came to the stepping stones and could n't go across and had to go back the way they 'd already come would n't go back with a very their ego would n't have b been boosted very high .
26 I promised Marie I would n't go out with Fullblast again .
27 So I promised I would n't go out with him again .
28 He thought all the men there would be looking at me , and he would n't go out with me in it .
29 ‘ You … you would n't go out with him , would you , Paula ? ’
30 than my job then he said I presume you 've got mixed feelings , I said no my feelings are n't mixed up at all , I 'm quite , I 'm quite sure of my feelings of what I know , I said David I would n't associate myself , I would n't drink and I would n't go out with anybody in this building and he nearly fell over and he said dare I ask why ?
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