Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] hold [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That they should be held outside the US was for reasons which follow .
2 A condition of the setting up of the Executive was that tri-partite talks should be held between the Westminster and Dublin governments and those Northern Ireland parties which were prepared to take part in the Executive .
3 She suggested that the wedding reception should be held at the Redmond house , telling Julia that it would help her mother to get over the loss of her house if she could organise the wedding .
4 Suppose by mistake or accident he fails to repay on the day named , is it fair that he should be held to the terms of the deed ?
5 On May 28 in a speech to the UNIP national council , Kaunda again criticized the multiparty system as likely to lead to " tribal conflicts " , but promised that there would be a free vote in the nationwide referendum which he proposed should be held on the issue [ see p. 37523 ] .
6 Under the chairmanship of Prince Norodom Sihanouk , the SNC agreed that UN-supervised regional elections in Cambodia 's 20 provinces should be held on the basis of proportional representation .
7 On 19 March the Assembly started a series of debates on a motion to reject Sunningdale and the constitutional arrangements which led up to the conference , and there built up a demand from Loyalists that new elections should be held for the Assembly .
8 Similarly , the idea that a human rights concert should be held in the very stadium in Santiago where Allende 's officers rounded up thousands of Chileans in 1973 , prior to committing gross violations , stretches the powers of credulity .
9 The rein aids should be soft and allowing , the reins should be held in the hand with the fingers closed round the rein .
10 It was suggested that the auction should be held in the open-air to enable more people to take part but William Dunlop objected , insisting that the venue be strictly adhered to as arranged .
11 Thus it is appropriate that horse trials known as ‘ The Military Competition ’ on the continent , should be held in the park .
12 It was decided that a seance should be held in the mess room and , depending on the result , they would discuss what further measures could be used to identify the ghost .
13 We recommend that a reference set of all research reports commissioned from or undertaken by RBGE staff should be held in the Library , which should maintain this collection and make an indexed listing available to outside bodies .
14 The Trade Negotiations Committee ( TNC-the highest-level body involved in the Uruguay Round ) agreed on July 27 that the final ministerial meeting of the Uruguay Round should be held in the last weeks of 1990 , and accepted an invitation from the European Communities ( EC ) and Belgium that the meeting should be in Brussels , the Belgian capital .
15 The Concordat , described as " the best negotiated settlement in Western history " , confirmed the German emperor 's renunciation of investiture of bishops with the ring and the crozier and the pope 's concession that episcopal elections should be held in the presence of the king .
16 Delicate negotiations must be held with the North Koreans .
17 A low vision aid must be held at the correct distance from the material to be viewed for maximum magnification to be effected , and it can be difficult to sustain this with a hand-held magnifier for any length of time .
18 A suitable place for ward tutorials is often hard to find as they must be held near the ward .
19 Because of the ranking procedure , shares of income run from 0 to 100 per cent as all income must be held by the total of the income-holding units .
20 The robe could be in various colours — blue , orange , white — and might be held at the waist by a belt or cord .
21 and that there is no other regular ministry held there by any other denomination of Christians whereby any adequate surveillance might be held over the moral and religious state of the community , and that consequently the sins of intemperance , Sabbath desecration , and the other vices that follow in their train have become sadly prevalent and daily increasing .
22 In the final year of the transitional period a repeat referendum to confirm the decision to secede might be held on the initiative of the republic 's Supreme Soviet or of 10 per cent of its permanent Soviet residents .
23 However , Dumas was believed to have expressed disquiet at the suggestion that Lebanese elections might be held before the proposed withdrawal of Syrian troops in September .
24 With politicians and military leaders the keeping of a diary is not only the gathering of data for a future book but can also be a form of self-defence in preparation for any post-mortems which might be held in the future .
25 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
26 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
27 The closest thing to a suggestion of further co-operation with the SNP was Dennis Canavan 's argument that talks could be held on the narrow agenda of pushing for a multi-option referendum , and a reserved hearing the conference accorded to the Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary , Campbell Christie .
28 Theoretically , it could be held at the ‘ Unix Perspectives : Conference for Enterprise Solutions ’ get-together that Unix Systems Labs has in train for early November ( UX 435 ) .
29 But first it was necessary to take the village of Longueval : the two positions were considered as one objective , since neither could be held without the other .
30 Further copies may be held at the local public library .
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