Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [vb pp] that most " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that most RS232 level converters are inverting , so additional inverts should buffer the input and output to restore the correct polarity .
2 But of course it should be noted that most people are conditioned by many years of experience in which traders have tended to gloss over interest rates .
3 It should be noted that most of these are neutral on the optimism/pessimism scale , while some of the characters ' proverbs approach the meaningless .
4 It can and should be argued that most of the performance measures so far developed are , however , measures of research output rather than of administrative efficiency .
5 Nevertheless it must be recognized that most of the killing of rightists in the Republican zone was spontaneous and that the government sought , successfully in the long run , to bring it to an end .
6 However , it must be remembered that most predators take juvenile dogwhelks and observation of adults alone may be misleading .
7 In a sense , evacuation did provide a shock to public consciousness and a ‘ throwing together of social classes ’ ( though it must be remembered that most hosts , like most evacuees , were working-class ) .
8 Of course , it might be argued that most of them come from very poor rural areas , and that their diets outside would be equally poor , if not poorer , in nutritional value .
9 It will be seen that most of the numbers within individual years are small , and that there is no apparent pattern in the scatter of data .
10 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
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