Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] what the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm serious about that , it grieves me greatly the possibility that he may not hear what the patch has to say .
2 And then he gave order that all the windows of the towers which looked in upon the town should be closed up , that the Christians might not see what the Moors did in their houses ; and the Moors thanked him for this greatly .
3 The legislation reflected a judgement that local authorities could not deliver what the national interest required .
4 Because I was less a true coward , a calculating coward , than someone so innocent , or so Greek , that he could not see what the war had to do with him .
5 Sad that the industry of our age could not keep what the ingenuity of the former found out .
6 He could not reveal what the buyers was planning for the building , however , any investment in the site is certain to bring jobs with it .
7 When an increasing number of psychologists could not find what the theory required them to find , the theory was modified .
8 He found himself saying , ‘ In 1919 the Enabling Act was passed ’ and then could not remember what the Enabling Act was ; although it was and still in part is the Act which defines the nature of the establishment in England .
9 She could n't tell what the words were , but she was grateful that he was being detained .
10 He could n't understand what the lecturer was talking about because he knew nothing about accounts .
11 Camille could n't see what the dimensions of the leaf had to do with anything and asked whether mustard and cress were therefore worthless and was there any value in endive , all frayed and ragged as it was .
12 He could n't see what the men were doing most of the time , because they were either inside or hidden by buildings .
13 She was n't doing anything interesting at all so I could n't see what the fascination was .
14 I still could n't see what the problem was but the whole hallway area had gone suspiciously quiet .
15 I could n't imagine what the others were used for .
16 Gooseneck could n't remember what the marital row was about .
17 You just could n't believe what the man has done .
18 In the judgment , Lord Denman C.J. states that the court need not inquire what the effect of a demurrer to that plea would have been , thus hinting that if the plaintiff had then demurred , the defence might not have been found sufficient .
19 The council would not say what the ‘ procedure ’ for dealing with stores will be over the next three Sundays until the matter is discussed by the Environment and Public Health Committee , but it has already authorised legal action against large stores which continue to open .
20 The spokesman would not reveal what the results of the survey were — or how many members refused to answer the questions .
21 It was made worse because he would n't do what the doctor told him .
22 ‘ You would n't credit what the Orrie 's short for !
23 Rather than somebody as I say like me who sat down there and he 'd just quote all these figures and you would n't know what the hell he was on about and just , all you , all I would understand at the end is that 's what you got ta pay .
24 Would n't know what the fuck was going on .
25 It was n't left there and I ca n't think what the chances are of finding it in a place this size .
26 Like physical ailments and er our , our , our physical body does n't work like it used to , and as you do get older there is a tendency to more to , to need more rest , we ca n't do what the young ones er do , and we would love to do that and that goes along with what the council and the
27 So , we ca n't tell what the final deadline date will be because there are so many pro processes , to go through .
28 And if Em wants more money and will do all your washing and clearing as well , then I ca n't see what the fuss is about . ’
29 I ca n't see what the fuss is about .
30 I ca n't see what the point is that was more than forty-five years ago
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