Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The fact that we have now been blessed with two little ones must not blind us to our obligations , nor cause us to lower our standards . ’
2 The self-authenticating nature of their experiences meant that neither of them was able to doubt them , yet the similarities must not blind us to certain differences .
3 ‘ Also , if you allow the dog to sit on your settee , then replace that settee with a new one you do n't want the dog to sit on , you must not expect it to suddenly understand why it can not sit there . ’
4 Is there any reason why I should not send you to prison for a very long time ’
5 They 're also on sale at the chemist 's with other formula milks , but you should not give them to your child without talking to your doctor or health visitor first to see if they 're suitable .
6 It is because of this fact , that ‘ DEAC ’ the manufacturer states that if a battery is being discharged at the 110 rate you should not discharge it to a voltage of less than 1.1 volts per cell .
7 The marketing of the man should not blind us to the fact that he is a great artist , unafraid of engaging mass culture .
8 In particular , the image of Germany epitomised by her most famous export , the Mercedes , as a country which is well built , reliable , and which performs well , should not blind us to the fact that the history of the Federal Republic has been a history of scandals , which have reached to the very highest echelons of power .
9 In his Collins lecture of 1984 he described the cultural authoritarianism of Samuel Johnson 's Dictionary of the English Language , whose acuity and precision of definition should not blind us to the fact that ‘ it accomplished the reduction of the language to the written and the written to the literary . ’
10 Whether or not early retirement and high unemployment continue , however , they should not blind us to the need to consider other factors which influence our capacity to care for dependent populations .
11 But this contrast should not blind us to the fact that he could work with Henry to an extent that was impossible with Rufus .
12 Nevertheless , the complexity imparted by the faithful physicalist version should not blind us to the features that distinguish the causal processes in the bees ' brains or whatever from those involved in the swelling after the swipe .
13 That such considerations have always existed should not blind us to their ‘ undesirable ’ effects ; however , that they have always existed also suggests that there may be no ‘ ideal ’ to which the press should aspire or indeed revert .
14 Differences in the content of thought , such as concern with witchcraft or with physics , should not blind us to similarities in the fundamental processes of thought .
15 However , while it is doubtless true that men pay an emotional price for the power they have , this should not blind us to the power and privileges from which they do benefit .
16 If , in popular music , these take on to some extent an ‘ automatic ’ quality , this should not blind us to the contradictory potentials of such historical continuities .
17 The general enthusiasm for the fortieth anniversary of the structure of DNA should not blind us to a few blemishes on the otherwise fair face of molecular biology .
18 Leaders are only leaders because they have followers ; no leader can for long ignore the views of followers ; and the absence of overt party constraints on leaders should not blind us to the fact that leaders need to anticipate the reactions of their followers if they are to retain a measure of needed support and loyalty .
19 However , this reincarnation of the primitive providential parental images in the institutions of the modern state should not blind us to what is one of the most distressing and presently most serious effects of the externalization of what is fundamentally manic-depressive psychopathology .
20 In the Miller 's Prologue , the Miller 's supposed drunkenness should not blind us to the measured good sense and balance of the mind implied within the character who speaks as the Miller .
21 Your filter can deal with the waste products of the fish , but you should not expect it to also cope with additional and unnecessary pollution .
22 As the carpet has been in satisfactory use for some years , we should not expect it to be the actual cause of trouble .
23 It is what makes the difference between the phrase ( 30 ) , where the first-order relation is of course qualification , and the completeness of ( 31 ) : ( 30 ) lucky Gomez ( 31 ) Gomez is lucky Similarly , this is the difference which opposes ( 32 ) and ( 33 ) , where the relation assigned is equation rather than qualification : ( 32 ) the broker , a man in a grey suit ( 33 ) the broker was a man in a grey suit The notion of " completeness " may seem vague ; again , however , we should not expect it to be defined more closely for the very good reason that fundamental notions — and we take assignment together with equation and qualification , along with the ideas of entity and property , to be the bedrock of linguistic structure — do not allow themselves to be defined .
24 She dived towards it , anxious some other would-be caller should not beat her to it and begin on one of those endless conversations the French seemed to have , searching through her pockets for change and trying to recall the International dialling code and the number of the line which connected direct with Nick 's office , bypassing the busy switchboard , all at the same time .
25 We 're not sure why research Right , so I 'm going to carry on with anyway and we 're going to start by looking at pages forty two and forty three , forty two and as you can see the units is entitled Should n't Do it to a Dog .
26 But rather than see people going without , erm if I had access to good clothing , I did n't see why I should n't give it to them .
27 Let him be Gazza — you should n't want him to be anyone else .
28 Then again , I wondered if I should n't leave it to charity .
29 Should n't mention it to His Royal Highness , Throgmorton rumbled Lord Beddington .
30 Some hard-pressed commuters may not make it to the end of the line . )
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