Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] them with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fleetingly Dong wondered whether the excursion into the jungle with the corpse might present them with another opportunity to escape .
2 Right , I 'll get a couple and we 'll have them with mashed cream potatoes .
3 Or I could open some tins of potatoes and he 'll fry them with corned beef and beans .
4 They find a site for a new nest , such as a hollow tree ( or a bee-keeper may provide them with one ) and start immediately to build combs .
5 I could predict them with reasonable assurance in each case , except Addy .
6 Her girlfriends , particularly her former flatmates , would have rallied round but she did not feel that she could inflict them with such a burden of responsibility .
7 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
8 We could equip them with two-way radios , but they would be confiscated at road checks .
9 Of those questioned , 45% thought that experienced business managers could help them with future strategic decisions .
10 that we should not have been asked to comment on … the way the curriculum would be affected by these materials and how the school itself would be looking at its way of using them , other than perhaps information skills where we could help them with commercial publications to give them some ideas .
11 six two O twos , and we 're not going to replace it with anything , and we have an opportunity if we go for it now that we could replace them with sixteen double O fours and the projections are
12 It seemed to me shocking that they should engage in such a crude , almost obscene activity in public , and I would watch them with fascinated repulsion .
13 As part of the cross-party compromise the government agreed to negotiate agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic which would provide them with financial help to deal with the migrants .
14 They did not want it to be too obvious , since observing the search would provide them with great amusement .
15 The monkeys had to be deprived of their regular food and accustomed to the peanuts for weeks before they would take them with any readiness , let alone treat the nuts as rewards for appropriate behaviour .
16 There are fears that as President he would sting them with stiffer tax bills .
17 However , if there is a recommended set of conditions , approved by the OFT or by the court , the drafter may adopt them with some confidence that they will pass the reasonableness test .
18 When you meet Virginia 's parents , you will treat them with utmost kindness and regret , do you hear ?
19 If the solutions of the hon. Member for Ogmore command great support , we will consider them with great interest .
20 If the Issue Department buys government securities ( either old ones soon due to mature or new ones issued by the government ) , it will buy them with extra money that it prints .
21 Harris Corp , Melbourne , Florida has formed a telecommunications joint venture with Shenzhen Telecom Equipment Co : Shenzhen Harris Telecom Co Ltd to manufacture and sell Harris 's low- and medium-capacity digital microwave radios and will integrate them with other systems .
22 The crustaceans and shellfish on the shores and rocks around Hunterston will provide them with ample food , and will also provide the carotenes they need to stay pink .
23 In fact , UI claims the whole Roadmap process has been recast to be user-rather than independent software vendor-focused , detailing user-specific information such as when their suppliers will provide them with certain technologies .
24 Studying David Allsop 's funny new Bluff Your Way In Skiing ( Ravette , £2.50 ) will provide them with enough ammunition to last a whole season .
25 Likewise young females have the problem of choosing mates that will provide them with vigorous young and possibly the assistance they need to rear them .
26 The 3,000 or so subscribers to Mountain will help to bolster High 's circulation figures with the added hope that when the ex- Mountain subscriptions expire , some will renew them with High .
27 Downing Street will supply them with special forms to state the reasons for their recommendations .
28 These children would be put into orphanages or into care and have a greater possibility of leading an unhappy childhood which may afflict them with mental disorders .
29 You can integrate them with each other , and the systems you have already .
30 The good thing about friends is that you can choose them with consummate care and I never chose mad ones or nasty ones or boring ones , whereas you ca n't choose who you 're going to fall in love with .
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