Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] go [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 If you wanted more money , you should have gone in for doctoring , academicking , police inspectoring or company secretarying .
2 Oxford should have gone in for their half-time cuppa. 1-0 up .
3 So they all must have gone out for the dinner .
4 Yes if she 's coming out you mean you do n't , you do n't have to do it all tonight she wan might want to be talking about erm her grading a lot so you ca n't expect her to do any work until she 's got that out of her system she might want to go on for an hour or so .
5 Now I was talking to your Doctor who was wondering whether we might want to go out for a few beers at some point
6 I 'd say we 'll have to do more than that , I 'd say we 'll have to go down for a week .
7 If you had n't made me hate you , it might have gone on for months . ’
8 We might have gone on for years like that — me combing the streets for you while pretending to be there on other business !
9 None of these was Marine Projects standard , and he could n't help wondering what kind of water sports the original owner might have gone in for .
10 I 'd like to go in for a bit , but there 's loads of people in there and I ai n't got no washing to do .
11 She could have gone on for hours .
12 I defended myself stoutly by pointing out that the alternative was to break off negotiations , with a dispute that could have gone on for months at great cost to the health of the nation .
13 Anyway back to main point , so up to retirement quite straightforward , no problem at all and this is why he could have gone on for donkey years without a return of income , his salary goes up of course , it 's picked up in the tax tables , his personal allowances do n't change so they could swan along there for so many years without even looking at his affairs , but then see what happens in the very next tax year , when he has n't had a return and may not get a return for a couple of years .
14 This terrible matter has brought shame on Leicestershire , and we expect to get to the heart of how it could have gone on for so long , while apparently nobody did anything about it .
15 Glenn Hoddle says he thinks his team will win because there is a determination running throughout the club and the supporters who were robbed three years ago and could have gone on for another fifty or sixty years waiting a chance like this …
16 I could have gone back for them . ’
17 I 'd love to go out for a meal .
18 ‘ When we stopped at traffic lights , Warren took hold of my hand and said that he was becoming more attached to me and asked me if I would like to go out for dinner the next day . ’
19 He says without it the war would have gone on for many more years .
20 Richard would never have left anything behind anywhere , or , if he had , he would have gone back for it .
21 Mrs Murphy would be in the kitchen , Barnes would have gone back for his supper .
22 Our universe might be like that — it might have an infinite number of galaxies — but if so , it will have to go on for ever in all directions and would n't be the sort where an astronaut could do a round trip in a straight line .
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