Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , if people take account of the costs to themselves but not the burden on the National Health Service in deciding whether or not to smoke and damage their health , society may regard smoking as a merit bad that should be discouraged .
2 Until they do , you may prefer to leave after the cocktails .
3 Firms may not wish to prosecute an employee who has been fiddling them but may prefer to deal with the matter informally , to avoid bad publicity or appearing inefficient and the Possible loss of the confidence of their clients .
4 Certainly for the bride ; optional for the groom ( trad. males may prefer to keep to the old proprietorial ways ) .
5 During this briefing Mr Clayton said nothing about what medical evidence may exist relating to the nine children subject to Place of Safety warrants .
6 The Microsoft one plugs into a serial port you may want to use for a modem , while you have to hunt for a mouse to fit into the IBM PS/2 socket .
7 In approaching family work in this way a social worker may want to arrange for a multidisciplinary assessment , calling on advice from the health care team .
8 You may have a lump sum to invest or you may want to save on a regular basis .
9 Out of this material will emerge some of the items you may want to discuss with a spiritual director .
10 This means , then , that the sort of target group description the agency may want to develop for the advertising will be something like this ( for a brand of ice cream ) :
11 You may want to wipe around the eyes with moist cotton wool on occasions as part of the regular grooming process , and also inspect the ears .
12 Whatever criticisms one may want to make of the quality of the evidence and analysis of the debate , it is hard to deny its effectiveness in changing the climate with regard to the control of the curriculum .
13 While some may come to admire the Guercino or the girandoles , many people , including children , may enjoy looking at the old or not-so-old toys , or even a collection of fifty years of milk bottles from the local dairy .
14 Supporters of the rational model may seek to move to the desired situation in one strategic move .
15 Any condition that a board may seek to attach to a licence can only be attached by a valid bye-law : Allied Breweries ( U.K. ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1985 S.L.T. 302.5.140(6) provides that bye-laws made under the 1959 Act continue in force .
16 However , we wish to discuss and agree any amendments that you may seek to make to the contract in advance of you submitting your final binding offer .
17 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
18 Now 's also the time to warn your remover about any parking restrictions at either end of the journey — he may need to liaise with the police .
19 For the non-obese Type 2 patient reducing the intake of refined carbohydrate may be effective , but many may need to progress to a sulphonylurea with intermediate duration of action such as glibenclamide .
20 Surround crowns with straw during winter to protect them from frost — in colder areas you may need to earth up the stems first .
21 Women with severe emotional problems may need counselling on a long-term basis .
22 In very wet weather you may need to resort to a weedkiller like Weedol to kill annual weed seedlings , although chemicals are best kept for really problematic weeds .
23 Classic lighting is ideal for creating atmosphere in traditional-style bedrooms , although if you often read in bed you may need to opt for a more practical design
24 Neither precedent nor legislation is sufficient in its own right ; common-law principles may need codifying in a statute , and a statute will need judicial interpretation to determine the scope of its operation .
25 If you think you do n't qualify , you may need to apply for a divorce in the ordinary way and you should consult a solicitor .
26 If the purchaser is a listed company it may need to apply for a listing of the consideration shares .
27 You may need to fiddle with the valves quite a bit to get the right balance between the different outlets .
28 The patient may need to eat from a bowl at first , as he gets used to eating one-handed .
29 Such movements , however , do not necessarily and simply entail the substitution of a smaller conjugally-based family for a traditional extended family ; rather it would appear that at these times kin may take on a new significance , and that we may need to look at a network of relationships much wider than the conjugal family .
30 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
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