Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the information found may lend itself to various forms of presentation , ranging from fact sheets to some kind of argument for or against various issues .
2 If her personality tends to be an obsessive one — if she is excessively devoted to tidiness and perfect order in every part of her life and home , a great maker of ‘ lists ’ for everything and a habitual ‘ double-checker ’ in all her activities — you may find that although she is grieving deeply , she may throw herself with remarkable zeal into the business of ‘ tidying up ’ her husband 's financial affairs and concentrating even more strongly on getting everything in the house cleaned and polished ; for this is the method used by most people who are inclined to be obsessional , to control their anxiety .
3 You may suit yourself on that one !
4 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
5 You may say also that I think it well that the musters of the northern counties should prepare themselves for possible action against the Scots at the same date , and those along the south coast should be ready to resist any assault by sea from my enemies in Europe .
6 Reverting to my opening discussion of the evolution of the ego and superego , we can readily see the importance of these stages and we can understand why it is that the sexual drive should lend itself to such apparently irrelevant associations as the oral and anal zones .
7 Examples are the splitting up of AT&T in the US , referred to above , the more stringent conditions put on the BA/BCal merger by the EC authorities , and the MMC recommendation that the major UK brewers should divest themselves of most of their public houses ( Supply of Beer , 1989 ) .
8 You should acquaint yourself with any material that is provided about the authority .
9 Nevertheless , in recent years we have been moving , albeit slowly and hesitantly , towards the view that the primary school should regard itself as one element in a united national service to children .
10 Immediately the caveman must prepare himself for two possibilities .
11 ‘ You must prepare yourself for bad news , ’ she told him .
12 The Wolfenden Committee , in distinguishing between public and private behaviour , also drew a distinction between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , and concluded that ‘ as a general proposition it will be universally accepted that the law is not concerned with private morals or ethical sanctions ’ , and further , ‘ it is not the duty of the law to concern itself with immorality as such … it should confine itself to those activities which offend against public order and decency and expose the ordinary citizen to what is offensive or injurious ’ .
13 For those who are n't totally sort of in control of the plot and I probably should include myself as one of them , what 's happening in this scene I want you to act out .
14 In order to believe in the Devil we must rid ourselves of unhelpful images of him ( though we do not need to wax philosophical about him as I did for the doubting lady ! ) .
15 But he is insisting , in black and white terms , that the divine sonship , mediated by the Spirit , must show itself in changed behaviour .
16 You should surround yourself with close friends — it will put you in a good mood for dealing with a financial matter .
17 First , everybody in a well-run organization should feel himself under some pressure .
18 It was indeed a sad thing that in these days when the Church had enough enemies outside it should divide itself into hostile forces , because , he added aptly , forgetting the original subject of the quotation , a house divided against itself could not stand .
19 It seems a good thing that she should occupy herself with these children next door .
20 I must limit myself to two others who have thrilled and inspired me .
21 Action : All packages must contain themselves as SELECTED issues .
22 Tutors and students undertaking study for these programmes should familiarise themselves with these regulations .
23 Before taking professional advice , the haulier should familiarize himself with basic facts about taxation , especially recent changes in the law .
24 AT&T should split itself into two separate companies , one to manufacture equipment , the other to provide telephone calls .
25 The Charter For The 1990s report leaked last week recommends that Radio 1 should distinguish itself from commercial stations by implementing new discussion and documentary programmes , and ape up-market Radio 3 with regular pop music concerts .
26 The House of Lords Committee report was even more cause for pessimism , suggesting that the UKAEA should brace itself for major cutbacks including site closures .
27 When one of the fattest hailed him when he was out shopping he decided he must disassociate himself from that crowd .
28 or anything , I really do n't think anyone should put themselves in that position .
29 Yes , well I was , I was erm , I must put myself in historical context .
30 At least one ‘ multi-million unit company ’ is said to have signed up for PowerPC , and should reveal itself within two months , PowerOpen said .
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