Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
2 Hence , societies ' encouragement of early marriage as a step towards achievement of a large family may hinder rather than aid attainment of family size goals .
3 Finally , if the rise in real output per capita is caused by an expansion of investment goods industries and public sector expenditures on the civil service and defence , while at the same time there is a decline in consumer goods industries , then current economic welfare may fall rather than rise .
4 A concentration may occur in one of two ways : first , two or more parties that were previously independent may merge so as to become one new independent business or secondly , one or more persons who already control one business may acquire direct or indirect control of another business .
5 All of this stresses the need to ensure that future development must enhance rather than damage the environment .
6 Either dragons should exist completely or fail to exist at all , he felt .
7 And job situation maybe is that , but I think we should stay here and fight , and demand that we have the industries up here so that people from Scotland can stay and better , better theirselves here rather than move away .
8 So if you ca n't be more positive — ’ she folded her napkin and threw it down like a gauntlet on the table between them ‘ — then I do n't see why I should stay here and listen to you . ’
9 ‘ Then the police came along and told us we should stay inside and keep away from the windows .
10 But as far as their ideas of women in society goes it has n't changed — that women should stay home and do the cooking . ’
11 In other words , no one working with a computer should be forced into a straightjacket of usage : IT should liberate rather than restrict , and the best applications are those in which the uses are almost boundless .
12 Now that the Labour party has finally decided to publish its phoney budget , it should think again and drop those damaging and vindictive proposals .
13 Currently much effort is being directed at understanding the organizational processes of questioning and debate which such audits should stimulate rather than seeing the problem in terms of administrative techniques alone .
14 Scott , it declared , ‘ wants a tight rein , and we hope to see it in Lord Palmerston 's hand ’ , but he should resign rather than undertake work in any other than that in which he has distinguished himself .
15 All directors , whether nominee or non-executive directors or otherwise , must act honestly and use reasonable diligence and skill in the discharge of their duties ( See Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co [ 1925 ] 1 Ch 407 ) .
16 ‘ You should know better than to ask such a question after all I 've tried to teach you . ’
17 That infamous attire strangling his glorious body — really a pastiche of desirability — inspired battalions of people who should know better than to wear Lycra shorts .
18 You 're not a kid , you should know better than to sniff round other men 's wives . ’
19 You should know better than to walk out into strange streets alone . ’
20 ‘ Henry should know better than to keep you cooped up with his books .
21 At your age you should know better than to bring rubbish into the house .
22 Lucker and Laverne 's mum ideally should wait together and keep each other company because we 're not going back .
23 ‘ If the Ombudsman 's report recommends that compensation should be paid , the Government should act urgently and honour it . ’
24 Having chosen your leather corals carefully , and provided them with a good aquarium environment , they should grow steadily and live for a long time ( ten years has been reported ) , and possibly even reproduce .
25 It should unite rather than divide , encourage rather than discourage .
26 She paid up , thinking of the Pascoes praying visitors should do so and save the precious fabric .
27 A well-reared puppy should have a fair amount of bone and a strong , straight front , that is the forelegs should appear parallel when viewed from the front , the feet turning neither in nor out ( a certain allowance may be made for puppyish softness ) .
28 All the more important that you should choose wisely and know what the cost of any anticipated repairs will be .
29 Now that the Batty deal is finally complete , maybe we should look ahead and see whats ahead for us .
30 Economists should look ahead and use both micro- and macroeconomics to throw light , for example , on ‘ how , where , and in what form ’ the workers released by technological progress over the next ten years will be employed .
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