Example sentences of "[vb mod] [to-vb] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the church has traditionally been reluctant to expose those to whom it delivers this service to public attention , the general assembly ought to know of the scale of the kirk 's response .
2 I remember when he always used to read out during the service before the sermon the previous week 's collection and it used to consist of the collection last Sunday consisted of one pensioning note , twenty ha'penny half crown pieces , forty florins and he 'd go all through the coinage down to the last ha'penny but erm oh I believe he was , he was er very aristocratic , very aristocratic , but er Father , cos he used to come over our house quite a lot when my mother was on the parochial church council , and er he had a curate that was quite leftish and he got himself on the old Board of Guardians and of course he used to sort of er go into the Labour Club and was quite of er father , he said to old Father one night he said erm he 's a funny chap your curate he said well he , he 's the son of a farm labourer he says and I 'm the son of a country squire and that 's the difference .
3 So what did you used to do of an evening down at home ?
4 ONCE upon a time , the British used to boast of the battles they had won — Agincourt , Trafalgar and Waterloo ( with less justice ) for example .
5 You see we used to think of the generations of man twenty five year intervals three , we really ought to be thinking of four .
6 I used to think of the moor as all my property , my kingdom , I suppose , and I 'd decide where I was going to build my capital city and where I was going to have my hunting forest .
7 You see traditionally people used to think of an evaluation as something that was very convergent and first people gathered lots of evidence , and then they wrote a set of recommendations or conclusions , and you were supposed to agree them or follow them afterwards .
8 We would n't let them meet on the corners because the people in the houses on the corners always used to complain of the row that they made — used to chase them .
9 This was n't how Mrs Parvis used to speak of the enemy .
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