Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
2 Section 16(8) of the Act says the search may only extend to the purpose for which the warrant is issued .
3 In these few words we may only point to the kaleidoscope of enthusiasm and activity by secondees that has been generated across the country in such a short space of time .
4 If two male or two female cats find themselves together , sexually aroused but lacking suitable mates , one member of the pair may suddenly switch to the mating pattern of the ‘ wrong ’ sex .
5 A person 's social development is thus crucially linked to the physical fact of ageing : no one can be fixed in a low position , but must eventually succeed to the highest status , simply by staying alive .
6 The theory of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ predicts that the old and weak must eventually succumb to the young and strong , and that this is necessary for the future vitality of the species .
7 He added that special incentives should perhaps apply to the top 10 managers , whose performances will be crucial in retaining the franchise .
8 The vendor should only account to the purchaser for post-taxation income earned during the interim stage .
9 In effect , Ayer has put them in a ghetto and they are happy to remain there , content to be making statements of nonsense in the assurance that what to the believer are the words of God must necessarily appear to the unbeliever mere gobbledygook .
10 Whereas Aristotle did not enquire into the mental process by which we perceive time , because he believed that our minds must necessarily conform to the time of the physical universe , St Augustine took the mind 's activity as the basis of temporal measurement .
11 Not allowing the family member to take any form of responsibility that : should rightly belong to the primary sufferer or to someone else .
12 He said that even if voters did not want to help any candidate , they should still go to the polling station to register their grievances .
13 The only restriction being that a condition must directly relate to the site and must be reasonable .
14 Officers are dependent upon their dischargers to do their job efficiently and must always think to the future when they may need the active co-operation of a polluter .
15 Godwin also offered guidance on moral problems ; we must always look to the general good , calculate the consequences of the courses of action open to us , and arrive at an unbiased decision .
16 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
17 If you do , you should always return to the subroutine and exit via the RETURN statement .
18 The signs are a good thing because they remind drivers that they should always keep to the speed limit .
19 The private right must usually yield to the greater public interest .
20 While many gardens combine formality and informality satisfactorily in adjacent areas , and often to a limited extent within the same part of the garden , a pool must strictly adhere to the overall aspects of its surroundings .
21 It must clearly relate to the areas of study and competences for which credit/entry is being sought .
22 The client must also represent to the firm , and must define in writing to each recipient of sales information the limitations of the firm 's role .
23 The names of the five photographers concerned are listed with honour quite separately on the back of the title-page but credit must also go to the printers who reproduced their work ( Fotolito Fotomec , Turin ) .
24 Much credit must also go to the new Congress chief minister , Beant Singh , and his police chief , K.P.S. Gill .
25 Note that for total safety , the command procedure must also trap to the Exit routine on errors , so that a VMS error can not leave the user at the DCL prompt with any of the default privileges .
26 The solicitor must also contribute to the compensation fund , which makes good any losses suffered by clients when a dishonest solicitor makes off with their money .
27 A novelist adapting his or her work for the screen must also adapt to the different status of the writer in the production process .
28 It must also refer to the depth of thought behind the design whether the subject deals with a bold tale or a subtle philosophical , psychological or even theological theme .
29 I must also acknowledge to the Minister and the House that I have been unable to interview my constituent face to face .
30 ( Two year cases only ) If you are applying for a divorce because you and your husband or wife have lived apart for at least two years , your husband or wife must also consent to the divorce — IN WRITING ( a form is supplied for this ) .
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