Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However it is not necessary to own all the available shapes , some have very specific uses which may only needed on rare occasions .
2 One may perhaps speculate on other respects in which Galileo 's predicament was affected by the dynamics of Protestant — Catholic engagement .
3 It could be argued that the requirement of regularity is unduly restrictive and reflects the rationale of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 , namely , the additional duties imposed on suppliers should only fall on those who can , because of the regularity of their dealings , be expected to have some competence in relation to the goods supplied .
4 However , a smooth curve can be obtained if the two arcs have a common tangent , which means that their centres must both lie on one of the axes of the figure .
5 Non EEC passport holders must also check on any French Visa requirements on these routes .
6 Schools should also capitalise on any specialist help that is available .
7 Whilst practising we should also insist on high standards , since once a technique is ‘ remembered ’ it is difficult to change .
8 It is vital that the United Nations should now act on that groundwork and drive the peacemaking process forward .
9 The existence of these sets provides an important sociolinguistic resource for inner-city speakers , and their survival must surely depend on this .
10 You should then focus on one academic session , normally much less than a full twelve-month period .
11 Many low-income LDCs have no access to market funds ( bank loans or bond issues ) and must therefore rely on concessionary funds or multilateral and bilateral aid .
12 You must therefore insist on clear and full answers so that you may understand the way in which the student 's mind is working .
13 One of the best guarantees of all is provided by Premium Bonds , though you must never look on these as an investment .
14 And let's just work on this independently will you .
15 " Let's just put on those links and see how they look . "
16 Okay so we could do that in the first place we could say one pizza there well we 've got two pizzas but we 'll let's just concentrate on one , share it between six people .
17 I 'll just slip on another one .
18 So , if you ate , say , thirty Mars bars in a day you might just put on 2 lb ( 1 kg ) of fat .
19 In due time the Latin Church decreed that Easter should be ‘ celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon on or after 21 March ’ , and although this simplified matters slightly Easter Day might still fall on any one of thirty-five days , starting with 22 March and ending with 25 April , and the whole of the calendar was controlled by this wide spectrum .
20 We 'll now vote on those in favour of an amendment standing in the name of ex-Councillor .
21 A fair number of towns of this rank were reputed to be boroughs , though incorporation was something of a rarity and might well depend on special circumstances : Rye , Winchelsea and Hastings , for example , were Cinque Ports .
22 Despite their pleasanter tone , the talks may still founder on these issues .
23 If we may further generalize on these projects , we may describe them as setting up models of teaching methods and materials , thus tending to extend and develop user education methods , rather than analysing and criticizing existing methodologies and materials .
24 I 'd rather fantasize on that .
25 ‘ I 'd rather crawl on broken glass than have you manhandle me .
26 She could only rely on that , his wearying before she did .
27 He did try , but he could only stand on one foot .
28 Even dressed as he now was , in a blue cotton jacket and trousers , he could never have been taken for an Italian , and since he was n't able to walk — he could only hop on one leg — or speak the language , he was hardly likely to remain free for long out in the open .
29 He could thus rely on royal backing while he used the duchy as an arena in which to demonstrate his own good lordship .
30 He could thus rely on royal backing while he used the duchy as an arena in which to demonstrate his own good lordship .
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