Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 While in some cases this may merely reflect the larger growth fraction found in tumours compared with normal mucosa , genuine over expression does seem to occur in a proportion of cases .
2 This should arguably supply a greater surface for bacteria than gravel — internal and external as the media is porous — and wo n't cost a great deal more or less than gravel .
3 The recommendation most widely noticed was that full-time students should normally study a wider range of subjects — five A levels plus one AS level , rather than three A levels as at present .
4 But women would never be equal , he reflected , pleased to have discovered a new profundity , until the day came when men stopped thinking it natural that their wives should always have the smaller car .
5 We must also underline a further dimension of sociology 's ‘ critical ’ role in examining social problems .
6 There is a need for three higher-performance machines ( Plant Records , Potting Shed , Arboretum Department ) , which should also have a higher memory specification .
7 We must now take a closer look at definitions and measurements regarding the glass transition .
8 The court held that this was a breach of the Convention guarantee of free speech , because it would deter journalists from contributing to public discussions of issues affecting the life of the community : " The limits of acceptable criticism are wider as regards a politician as such than as regards a private individual … the former inevitably and knowingly lays himself open to close scrutiny of his every word and deed by both journalists and the public at large , and he must consequently display a greater degree of tolerance . "
9 We should then have a better idea about the Gold Cup .
10 You have fish which are notorious for making the water dirty , so must either have a greater volume — a bigger tank — or a better filtration system .
11 There is no way the non-established denominations can be expected to make a comparable contribution , and the Government must therefore take a larger role in providing some mechanism for preserving some of the notable places of worship which , as well as being delightful buildings , are an important testimony to our religious and social history .
12 If a process of real integration is to occur , the British public must therefore gain a fuller understanding of the nature of mental handicap .
13 Mr Damant should therefore have no greater difficulty than in the past in adjusting the earnings figure .
14 There have been miracles at Aintree before , and Ghofar , fit and fresh , may just have a better each-way chance than his odds of 33–1 suggest .
15 I 'll probably make a better job of it than you would . ’
16 ‘ You 'll also need a better cover story , ’ he added , ‘ if you 're going to be seen around with Hurley and his crowd .
17 The absence of these factors might also explain the higher arrest rate of blacks in the lighter areas .
18 A more suitable location was in the dining area adjoining the lounge , which might also allow a larger tank .
19 26 ) , this might also indicate a later date for a comparable structural arrangement from Colchester ( pI .
20 The odds are you 'll now need a bigger loan , and the original endowment policy will not give enough cover .
21 Sid Watkins is a good bloke , who knows , we might even get a better deal with the fish . ’
22 From such a general classification , discussed in detail below , two very general conclusions can be shown to emerge : that several categories of small towns saw the provision of some form of internal street network to meet the needs of their inhabitants and that the existence of such a system , coupled with other morphological and functional indicators , might well reflect a higher degree of internal organization and urban complexity .
23 A mixture of consultation and internal management control might well prove a better starting point .
24 He also pointed out that the Nile , if it flooded , might well drown a greater number of people than all the refugees .
25 Even if it did n't lead to the elimination of all the older , ‘ flawed ’ models , a narrow range of ‘ new ’ species might well reduce the older ones to huddled groups in farming heritage parks .
26 He used it to attack paternalistic officialdom and to articulate demands for social progress : ‘ I 'd tell people to forget their old ordinary life because ultimately , anyhow , we 'll either have a better life than that , or bust . ’
27 He might never have a better chance .
28 If multiprocessing desktops are on the agenda , and all indications are that they will appear later — ie next year — rather than sooner , then they 'll definitely use a higher performance PA RISC 7100 part ( currently at 99MHz ) that HP will first introduce in a new uniprocessor system .
29 Recent research such as that by Peter Knight of St Martin 's College , Lancaster , however , has suggested that the technique of bombarding pupils with " Why ? " questions , as well as feeding them historical information , might actually stimulate the earlier development of their historical thinking .
30 You 'll have to marry sometime and you 'll never get a better offer than this .
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