Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Between Dec. 31 and Jan. 2 several thousand Azerbaijani rioters pulled down or set fire to fences and other installations along a 137-km stretch of the border between the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ( an Azerbaijani exclave separated from Azerbaijan proper by a strip of Armenian territory ) and Iran .
2 But she managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour .
3 The vandals broke into the house , piled the cooker with linen then switched it on and set light to it .
4 Nobody would take her seriously , Luke would laugh it off and take control of the situation , belittle her in front of his friends … and , besides , did she really want Mark 's death brought down to the level of party-stopper ?
5 After 5–6 seconds , press camera button OFF and stop machine on record pause .
6 The lightning blew the roof off and set fire to its timber frame .
7 When the days grew longer in what passes for spring on that windy plateau , we used to go into Lincoln on our days off and have lunch in the Naafi Club .
8 There existed at that time , a real threat of an invasion of the British Isles by the French forces under Napoleon , so militia groups were formed and Martello Towers were erected around the more vulnerable coast line , to ward off and give warning of any sign of an invading fleet .
9 It may be accompanied by erotically sado-masochistic activity ( the man may dress in women 's clothing and then tie himself up or inflict pain on himself ) ; this implies complication of the practice by other sexual dysfunction rather than being typical .
10 It is the condition in which the attempts to avoid , cover up or evade responsibility for bad feeling — bad feeling generated by the impossible need to live up to inflexible standards — themselves create yet more bad feeling .
11 We 'll climb on up and get help to you .
12 Near the draw dock some longshoremen had heaped it up and set light to it , to clear the area .
13 She is no longer simply a steady rallier and scampering retriever , but can tie opponents up and make use of the openings created .
14 Here and there they pick up and make use of the old common balks in the former open fields , which must have been the usual way of proceeding from one village to another in open-field country , but for the most part they are drawn straight across the old furlongs and strips regardless of all considerations but that of directness .
15 Talk turns to a familiar theme — the failure of the city to support new ideas , the segregation of black and white music , how difficult it is for dance music to get substantial airplay — most of all the struggle to make the rest of the city sit up and take notice of its thriving techno scene .
16 Mostly our air arrives from the west which is why we sit up and take notice of the weather in America , although actually it can change a great deal on the way over here .
17 I just hope people sort of sit up and take notice of it .
18 Just ring him up and have lunch with him the next day and it 'll be all right . ’
19 Would we leave a thing like that when any kiddy could knock the chocks out or set light to it ?
20 I 'd fetch her home , clean her up , straighten her out and take care of her for as long as she 'd let me , but the call of the wild was strong and after a few days of sleeping on the couch , she 'd vanish again .
21 So perhaps we can bluff it out and collect software by day leaving philosophical disquiet to the troubled night .
22 There was a whiffling noise and a beam of red light shot out and set fire to a patch of scrub several hundred yards away .
23 You see the only way we can get equity out and put money in ourselves is by selling this place .
24 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
25 People might call me an asshole for saying that , but I think it 's cheating the kids and the fans who go out and spend money on a record , who spend their time following a band and respecting and loving that band .
26 The students go out and spend part of each week all through the school year in the schools , and the teachers in those schools , whether they are science teachers or history teachers or English teachers , collaborate with us in helping to train those students .
27 It was better : they could eat and go off and do homework and then watch TV , or on summer evenings , go out and play ball for a while before baths and bed .
28 ‘ No , you go out and have fun with your father .
29 If we come across any o' them sect goons , holler out an' drop flat on y'faces , so we kin git a clear shot at ‘ em .
30 The second group require only the yes/no , on/off or up/down type of answer .
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