Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [verb] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 I looked in and had the biggest shock of my life .
2 It may well be that if you set the penalties so high , and if you can have a hundred per cent detection , then there may well be a deterrent element in these crimes , but basically the law is clearing up a mess , and the mess has occurred , and then the law comes along and does the best it can .
3 We will enable tenants to apply for Housing Action Trusts to take over and improve the worst estates .
4 My master staggered over and opened the nearest window and , as the smoke cleared , we saw that the huge fourposter bed was now a sheet of flame .
5 We all have to get on and do the best we can .
6 These men will live forever in the legends of Rentokil cricket , for on a Sunday at the beginning of September at Felcourt Cricket Ground , they took on and conquered the best teams that Rentokil could offer .
7 ‘ Although we 're currently in the trough of the cycle , there 's no doubt we have assets at our disposal across all our businesses which will allow us to take on and beat the best of the competition .
8 Yeah because you go to be the eldest and then just at the time you should of gone on and become the youngest , it changed so you were the eldest all the time
9 There wuz a bit of trouble outside the school gates when Sinead O'Connor said she was n't coming on the trip because she disapproved of buzzes and then she got on and took the best seat , ie the one at the back where me and Graham normally sit and smoke No6 .
10 5-5 was the final score , with Oxford proving they can take on and tackle the best .
11 Her father , whom she obviously dotes on and has the highest respect for , thinks he 's a highly suspicious character — he and Andropulos have n't spoken for years .
12 The new philosophers ‘ cut off and deny the noblest parts of nature and then sweep together the dust of agitated atoms and tell us that they have resolved all the phenomena in nature ’ .
13 Clare looked up and saw the tallest man she had ever seen ; he had curly black hair and black-lashed , dark brown eyes , now filled with worry .
14 After some weeks without Red Cross parcels , people began to arrive early at meals so that they could size up and take the largest of the scrupulously rationed helpings of potatoes , or the thickest of the apparently identical slices of bread .
15 One point to remember : when several people are chasing you , make sure that they have , in fact , become separated before you jump out and ambush the nearest pursuer .
16 I 'll go out and get the latest news . ’
17 ‘ If I had that kind of money I would try to go out and buy the best players available — I would pay the price needed as Kenny has done .
18 I went out and bought the best turntables I could afford .
19 It erm security are actually carrying it out and clearing the best positions to , to do so .
20 They were therefore accused of putting the clock back and bringing the best hope of Christendom to an impasse .
21 NORTHERN Ireland stands out as having the highest number of long-term unemployed .
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