Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the other [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He steered her in between the other villagers with fierce concentration .
2 It actually comes down to then , a more local area could be eighteen to twenty into Harlow , and then as you break down into the other figures , that then comes into a road and a postcode will actually go down to about fifteen houses in total , by putting your door number at the end of it , it makes it identifiable to your premises .
3 On either side of him the warders looked down onto the other landings , watching for any signs of unrest amongst those below .
4 The notion of a routine , of a particular time for meals , baths , bed for young children — to fit in with the other interests and commitments of parents working outside the home — is not especially important .
5 His underwear will be perfectly all right in with the other clothes .
6 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
7 ‘ If you can do that , then you have in your mind what the strong target notes are and you can start going in with the other notes of the scale .
8 The nature of Wakelate 's business necessitated that he and his wife should blend in with the other guests .
9 Then she discarded that , too , and left Corrie 's side for the first time to join in with the other children .
10 SIR — Along with the other members of the tiny , self-styled ‘ think tank ’ of the Cheltenham rebels , Mr Mortimer Moore ( letter , April 15 ) misunderstands the reason why the Cheltenham Conservative Party selected John Taylor as its candidate .
11 A feature of this section is a stream issuing from Hackergill Cave on the south bank , but this , along with the other wonders of the river hereabouts , must be regarded as out of bounds by the prudent pedestrian .
12 He let Signora Rosi go on her way , wheeling the baby through the courtyard of the Pitti Palace into the Boboli Gardens to take the afternoon air along with the other mothers and babies of the Quarter .
13 6–2- " That whilst under the Old Testament Instrumental Music was prescribed as part of the Temple service it was removed along with the other peculiarities of that service , under the new and more spiritual dispensation from which ritualistic and sensuous forms of worship were excluded ; that no Instrumental Music was prescribed or practised by Christ and his Apostles …
14 Because of our experience at Scone Park and in many other projects in the twelve years we have been working with young offenders , we , along with the other children 's charities , oppose the government 's proposals on persistent young offenders .
15 On the face of it , there would seem to have been quite a strong case for handing over the division to the Soviet authorities along with the other formations originating form territories controlled by the Soviet Union .
16 On top of these contracts , the girls , along with the other supermodels , can expect to earn anything from $7,000 to $25,000 for each catwalk appearance at twice-a-year shows , and Gianni Versace reportedly paid Turlington £50,000 to appear exclusively at his Milan show .
17 along with the other details of his ‘ tentative ’ printing history which depend upon its being true .
18 Hippos are large vegetarians and must munch away at many different herbs , along with the other plants they eat growing along the river bank
19 They will have been ‘ dumped ’ along with the other books by ‘ yesterday 's men and women ’ .
20 The Franco-German axis styles itself as the leading force in the Community and , while both countries make explicit reference to their special relationship in speeches in each other 's countries , the primacy of this alliance is clearly played down in the other countries of the EC , not least because it negates the whole point of having a community .
21 Spooning the garlic and ginger paste into the snapper and over their skin , he dropped the first three fish on to the grill and called down to the other Latinos to bring plates and cutlery from the galley .
22 The Chairman of the Governors asked me was there a precedent in a flowing her to come into the interviews , and I said ‘ No , the precedent has already been set and that she was n't in on the other appointments . ’
23 Libby would not watch ; she hated the high-pitched squealing as the rabbits panicked , hearing a stick thump or a shot ring out , seeing the warm fur parting in the breeze as someone threw it down beside the other corpses .
24 expressed the opinion , concurred in by the other members of the court , that a contractual right of one party to an action to have the costs of the action paid by another party to the action could not override the discretion as to costs given to the court by Ord. 62 , r. 3(2) and section 51(1) of the Act of 1981 , but that where an order for payment of the costs was sought , the discretion should ordinarily be exercised so as to reflect the contractual right .
25 Many of the summary techniques used to describe mortality carry over into the other components of change .
26 I do n't know who 's got through from the other games , but we 'll take anyone on really I think .
27 For , although Clare would never reveal the details of their relationship , and although Mrs Mallory would never tell anyone about their conversation of that afternoon , some hint of his disgrace would inevitably filter through to the other members of the family whom he loved : Mr Mallory , the twins , Patrick , Patricia …
28 He 'd never ceased to find fascination within its pages , for it was Maybellome 's intention to make an encyclopaedia listing all the flora , fauna , languages , sciences , ideas , moral perspectives — in short , anything that occurred to her — that had found their way from the Fifth Dominion , the Place of the Succulent Rock , through to the other worlds .
29 The reporter thanked him , and the camera tracked him as he trudged over to the other members of the team and they headed together towards a dark crack in the hillside .
30 They scuttled off after the other boys .
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