Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [det] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 And he 's coming down on all the way through there and he landed just across there and landed , I think he very .
2 For him to brush it off in such a way — I do n't know what would make him say things like that , he 's the sort of man I just would n't expect to have …
3 It was found that in all animals the mechanism of the body is set up in such a way that the head leads a movement and the body then follows .
4 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
5 So far , the model has been set up in such a way that the pitch of the main blades is always positive .
6 Furthermore it would never purchase items brought up in such a way , as this would give support to these operations .
7 Psychological experiments of the rats-in-mazes kind are always set up in such a way that , even if the animals concerned had been capable of exercising individual judgement in such a way as to wreck the experiment , this fact would escape detection .
8 The sample of schools was made up in such a way that the 50 schools , as a whole group , where representative of Scottish secondary schools .
9 It is particularly appropriate in the case of a ballet that tells a story where the libretto has to be set out in such a way that the action can be logically developed and each item roughly timed .
10 And second , it must be conceived and laid out in such a way as to support existing shops and shopping streets .
11 Hand-outs usually give information and therefore the information must be accurate and set out in such a way that it can be easily read and understood .
12 There seems to be no escape from the fact that work substitutes will be needed to preserve society as we know it , carried out in such a way as to preserve particular countries ' economic viability .
13 The diet is laid out in such a way that , starting on a Monday , the slightly more elaborate meals are at the weekend .
14 The release must be set out in such a way that it is easy for the journalist to use it .
15 ‘ To let you find out in such a way
16 Even capacity expansion co-operation has been carried out in such a way as to allow substantial continued internal competition and even greater market share changes than occurred in the United States .
17 Existing structure plan in short is erm set out in such a way that it pos positively discourages the accommodation of inward investment on a large scale .
18 They can be written about in such a way that someone else is able to empathize with them .
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