Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Fitting in to others ' expectations , e.g. spouse , friends or colleagues .
2 The film is technically impressive ( Academy Award-winning animator Derek Lamb directs ) but more admirably it zeroes in on kids ' interests without patronizing them .
3 The film is technically impressive ( Academy Award-winning animator Derek Lamb directs ) but more admirably it zeroes in on kids ' interests without patronizing them .
4 You left the cinema your hand in your pocket clutching a non-existent ‘ rod ’ , you went rat a tat tat Chicago piano machine gun style and did a James Cagney hoodlum staggering along the pavement with your hands to your chest until you collapsed into a doorway mown down by gangsters ' bullets crying for Pat O'Brien or Joan Blondell to take the message to ma .
5 There is a special commission which organizes the daily menu , using the prison food stocks , invariably rice and beans , together with additional food brought in by prisoners ' relatives and solidarity groups .
6 Third and finally , spillovers may be most extensive in high R&D sectors simply because firms may have to do extensive R&D on their own in order to benefit from the knowledge which spills over from rivals ' efforts .
7 Over the coming months , the cuts in interest rates since last September will be filtering through to homeowners ' pockets , and this should help to lift consumer confidence , Nigel Whittaker , chairman of the CBI 's distributive trades panel , said yesterday .
8 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
9 When a national newspaper first published Mrs Travers ' views , the response was so great that a whole page had to be given over to readers ' letters .
10 She lived in one of those streets running from the Old Brompton Road more or less parallel with the edge of Brompton Cemetery , a territory that seems more or less taken over by typists ' collectives , where groups of girls band together to share flats whose rents none of them could afford individually .
11 That was eight years after the Lloyd 's scandal — involving tens of millions of pounds being syphoned off into directors ' pockets — erupted .
12 For him it meant a brief wait until he was of the appropriate age of 21 , in December 1807 ; barely a month later he was off to Doctors ' Commons in St Paul 's Churchyard to sign an allegation ‘ … that he is of the Parish of All Hallows , Barking , London , a bachelor … ’ and ‘ … that there is no lawful impediment … ’ before being issued with a licence by the Archbishop of Canterbury 's Faculty Office .
13 As a result there are now Government , as well as private consumer organizations , whose purpose is to stand up for consumers ' rights .
14 The group is made up of miners ' wives and relatives , ably supported by a cross-section of concerned individuals on this particular morning a retired teacher , two people running local businesses , and a lecturer .
15 He swam , keeping up with Nails ' feet , gulping , coughing .
16 Rolling out , he wriggled his way across the dry sand , all churned up with trippers ' footprints , out to the firm , wet sand made smooth and level again by the tide .
17 I was very proud of those she made for outdoor wear , perhaps because they were different ; they were generally made from offcuts of the various dress lengths being made up into ladies ' costumes .
18 It would have capital resources of 10,000 million ECU ( some US$12,400 million ) , 30 per cent of this to be paid up in members ' subscriptions and the rest being callable capital .
19 Her knowledge of Samoa was based upon what a group of adolescent girls thr told her , through an interpreter , and what can only be called , er , chit-chat and gossip that she picked up from missionaries ' wives and people like this .
20 Only a pilot project , he insists , will determine whether or not the technology lives up to suppliers ' promises .
21 THE 1980s was the decade when the sleeping giants of the High Street banks tried to wake up to customers ' needs before competitors stole accounts from under their noses .
22 Read on to see how well each pair measures up to makers ' claims .
23 Often this conclusion is backed up by scientists ' discoveries of fossilized dinosaur footprints .
24 They are sceptical that a few extra consultants or staff grade appointments will really reduce their hours and complain that the new deal was set up by doctors ' representatives not working in hard pressed specialties .
25 It was decided to press ahead with Saturday 's show despite access to the main field being badly cut up by exhibitors ' vehicles having to be tractor- towed into position .
26 The moment that answers are sought to questions such as what particular properties of a painting lead to a specific kind of reaction , or what processes go on inside viewers ' minds as they respond with delight or dislike , ‘ … we enter a realm full of complexity and uncertainty ’ ( Cupchik and Heinrichs , 1981 ) .
27 When I came off , I felt I needed to sort of keep in touch , sort of speaking to people that know what 's going on and know what 's going on in ex-users ' heads , y'know .
28 It is important to recognise that the research itself , and its setting , inflicts its own contingencies on the choice of indicators : research using interviews will have to use indicators that are largely constructed out of respondents ' answers to questionnaire items whereas observational studies , and Lazarsfeld did not preclude them from variable analysis in principle , would have to use others .
29 Cook stake helps Airtours fly out of Owners ' clutches
30 Working out of members ' houses , Media , Technical , Finance , Fund Raising and liaison sub groups embarked upon an information spreading programme .
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