Example sentences of "[adv prt] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Carry On goes in a seven-year cycle .
2 We obeyed and went in to sit in a sombre half-circle round the fire .
3 The group 's investments in Berisford and Hillsdown have been further written down resulting in an extraordinary charge of £31m .
4 In cricket they used to put her at ‘ long leg ’ where the ball hardly ever penetrated , and she would take a book and lie down to read in the long grass .
5 — When Manjiku comes , she shuts her eyes and lets herself fall down his throat past the barbed teeth and come down to land in the foul bilgewater in his gut .
6 In division two , Ants III went down fighting in an exciting game with Brookvale , who finally won 28–24 .
7 She put her name down to speak in the great debate about the state of the English Faculty that was held in the University Senate ; and in the Cambridge University Reporter for the 18th February , 1981 , occupying a column and a half of small print , sandwiched between contributions from two of the University 's most distinguished professors , you may find Robyn 's impassioned plea for a radical theorization of the syllabus .
8 But I would hope , I mean it has given me the the wish to go on living in a similar kind of situation .
9 ( Hu Yaobang and his family , for example , were allowed to carry on living in the privileged conditions of Zhongnanhai and Fang Lizhi was still allowed to travel abroad . )
10 David began to think that it might be possible to go on living in the same house as Julia and Anthony without either betraying himself or suffering unendurable frustration .
11 It had blossomed ever since , and went on developing in an exciting overflowing fountain of ideas and discoveries during our period .
12 We would go on loving in the same old way …
13 He was relegated to the back of the grid , but fought his way through to finish in the top 10 .
14 He scored on his debut , against Plymouth up at The Palace on 15 October when we romped to a 6–1 win , and went on to play in every remaining match that season .
15 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
16 and went on pouring in the horrible growing
17 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
18 There is currently another ‘ Al Jolson ’ in Glasgow who would be better off singing in a silent movie , so it is important to remember that there was only ever one real ‘ Al ’ , and he regaled Glasgow with ‘ Mammy ’ and the rest in real sound for a six-week run .
19 She waited for a moment and then walked off to stand in a different part of the ship .
20 If she misbehaved , she was packed off to sleep in the old people 's home in another part of the building — a terrifying prospect for a girl with such a vivid imagination .
21 He works at weekends as a hospital porter , and finds it necessary to take a week off to compete in a national or international event .
22 That it goes on moving in a straight line , rather than in circles , followed from what Descartes described as the immutability and simplicity of the conserving operation .
23 Unfortunately , the JMP-1 has no input on the back and so in some ways it falls at the final fence , because I ca n't really see how you can set it up to work in a neat and user-friendly rack ; you 'd have to wire the thing up every time you gigged it .
24 What had made him take up writing in the first place ? the interviewer asked .
25 The evidence now suggests that giving up smoking in the seventh decade of life brings health benefits .
26 Mr McTear , a former 60-a-day smoker , is suing Imperial Tobacco for damages , claiming that the company failed to warn him of health hazards when he took up smoking in the mid 1960s .
27 I ended up lying in the scrubby grass at the bottom of the hill , my knuckles white as I throttled the rabbit , swinging it in front of my face with its neck held on the thin black line of rubber tubing , now tied like a knot on a black string .
28 A couple of days , he 'd said , but he ended up staying in the Commercial Hotel for almost a year .
29 Er I mean that goes back again to the articles which you might have about the way that parents talk to their children , and you quite often find that then very very quickly the children grow up speaking in a same way as the parent of that sex talked to the them .
30 erm some of the stuff that we end up doing in the second and final year you do n't easily access through general textbooks because it 's quite specialist
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