Example sentences of "[adv prt] [verb] [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1843 the Corsican hotelier Zenon Vantini leased them , achieving such success that he went on to establish the first railway refreshment room at Wolverton .
2 But despite Roebuck 's tip the Wallaby fullback is sure to be at the top of the list when Dwyer and his fellow selectors sit down to choose the first Test team to play Scotland in June .
3 WALES chiefs Alan Davies and Robert Norster face a rare new headache tonight as they sit down to pick the first squad of an exciting new season .
4 The other semi-final saw Newtownabbey side Palm Grove come from 5–3 down to snatch a first leg 7–5 win over Ballynahinch side Montalto Rangers .
5 They dropped their kedge anchor 200 yards offshore and settled down to await the first wave of assault craft .
6 Wigan are 7-4 on to win the First Division championship with Corals .
7 Lauda , however , went on to win the first race of the season as Hunt crashed out on lap 33 .
8 We tend to feel that we can always cut off alter the first phase if money runs out but in fact we can not because the whole thing is a single investment .
9 On Saturday the two prelates attended a service of vespers at the Church of San Gregorio , which stands on the site where Pope Gregory sent St Augustine of Canterbury off to become the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 597 .
10 anyway the girl said well I 'll ring first to see where you get your application form she , and the , Sue phoned and was on the other end and I said oh you should apparently you 've got have erm , er , application form and Mrs going to send you one , I said is that Mrs on the line she said is that Mrs speaking , she said yeah , I said will you tell it 's Mrs she said oh , well , tell Mrs she 's no need to apply I 've got all her details and she is being looked at , you know , we are looking into it anyway erm , as I say I had this letter just after Christmas to say that there was a job coming up at the Mencap at Wellingborough Road , Rushden , and I was being selected and erm would I go up for the informal interview on the Monday and the formal interview at the hospital the next morning , so I went up got the first person there and er she , she , it 's a new , it 's an old house but they 've done it all up and there all papers on the floor and then she said oh I think I 'll pick these up Ir Irene , I said oh call me Joy everybody does and she said alright , OK , I said oh I 'll help you so of course I said , I went straight down with her on the floor picking all these papers up and she , and when the next person come she said poor old Joy ai n't even got in the door and that 's it , she 's already working and she said I can see you 're like me Joy you 'll do a job when you see it 's got ta be done , I said I 've always been the same , I ca n't , I ca n't see a spoon or a bit of paper laying on the floor
11 The two got togged up to publicise the first programme in their new series of Watchdog tomorrow night ( BBC1 , 7.30pm ) which investigates the cost of school uniforms .
12 She felt even sorrier for him with that stammer when he went up to read the first lesson , and had to announce that it came from the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy , a word which took him four goes .
13 People out enjoying the first weekend of the season on the Thames , watched helplessly , as the Yorkshire Belle exploded in flames at Radcot Bridge .
14 Tony and Nathan have made tea and soup and we have some before going out to feed the first batch of dogs .
15 THE OAKLAND Athletics came back to win the first game of the best-of-seven American League championship series with a 7-3 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays , on Tuesday .
16 A similar exercise will also be carried out to fix the first review date in outstanding mandatory life sentence cases where this has not already been done .
17 Middlesbrough-born Glendenen went on to score the first century , having become only the second Durham player to make a double-century when he hit 200 not out against Victoria last September in a three-day match unluckily denied first-class status .
18 ‘ I 'm so pinched for time that I race around grabbing the first thing I see . ’
19 Mayers then went on to add a first pitch ( ! ) to the line by climbing the left hand section of Right Wall between Cenotaph Corner and Lord of the Flies .
20 Off the field , Celtic are playing down weekend speculation that they 're about to announce the first instalment of finance for the Cambuslang stadium development .
21 Winkelmann was just about to publish the first book to use the word art history in its title , This book on the history of Classical Art is seen as a milestone in the history of art history .
22 In the late Thirties the Baroness Hila Rebay was busy looking for a name for the new art museum her mentor Solomon R. Guggenheim was about to found and of which she was about to become the first director .
23 I am about to make the first incision .
24 He won the NIBA singles championship , and went on to become the first Parks player to lift the coveted Irish title since Balmoral 's Alan McMullan in 1987 .
25 He went on to become the first director of the National Monuments Record , the body that catalogues the most important buildings in country .
26 Maybe despite or because of failing ‘ O ’ levels she went on to become the first woman engineer at her college because her earlier setbacks had made her determined to prove that she could succeed .
27 Peggy Lucas was one of the first women to fly Spitfires and went on to become the first woman in Britain to hold a commercial pilot 's licence .
28 Peggy Lucas was one of the first women to fly Spitfires and went on to become the first woman in Britain to hold a commercial pilot 's licence .
29 Freeth stayed on to become the first lifeguard too , and when he died during an influenza epidemic at the age of thirty-five it was said that he had exhausted himself rescuing swimmers .
30 This led in Britain to the setting up the Meteorological Office under Captain FitzRoy , formerly of HMS Beagle , who went on to make the first weather forecasts in Britain .
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